In Arthurs journal he reveals he has always liked John and that he has become less of a "fool" than he used to be. A few years later Abigail finds out that Jack can remember Arthur and believes that it was Arthur that saved them, Abigail confirms this and says that, "None of us would be here today if it wasn't for Arthur." Mary-Beth is hopelessly in love with Arthur Morgan, and so far all efforts to capture his heart have failed. At camp Pearson never goes up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat, but he is one of the members Arthur can play Poker with. Eagle Flies admires Arthur's skills and ends up deciding to help him, after Arthur gets himself cornered, by causing an explosion in the distance, giving Arthur the chance to escape. For a few moments, they held hands and watched the sun sink below the horizon. This will dictate Arthur's reception among his gang members. He tells both her and Abigail that they are the best women he has ever known and bids an emotional farewell. rdr2, random memes, art, fanfics. A look back on the time John left the gang, as well as a Red Dead retelling of The Prodigal Son. Both Arthur and Charles were disgusted by Dutchs influence on Eagle Flies to get him to attack the U.S. Army which would compromise the safety on the Wapiti Tribe. Arthur, depending on player decisions, can encourage her to sober up or be scornful for her alcoholism. Arthur spoke up again. Arthur later compliments Sean for his performance when destroying the fields. After being tortured by Colm o'driscoll, Arthur gets back to camp. Sean is another member of the gang who doesn't have spontaneous conversations with Arthur around camp. Before Arthur's illness, Micah rarely tried to annoy Arthur and often tried to be friendly with Arthur, respecting him and likely wishing that they could be friends. arthur and mary beth fanfiction. To cope, he goes to live on a Big Valley cattle ranch owned by Jackson and Victoria Linton, two of Mary Linton's descendants. A Benny X Beth story, with a plot line. At camp Karen may sometimes go up to Arthur to talk to him, particularly when she is drunk. Regardless of the player's choices, Arthur and Micah will have one last fight, either a knife fight or a fistfight. But over time, things complicate. Abigail chuckled, swaying to whatever rhythm liquor makes. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Im really into this fandom right now (after finishing both RDR1 and RDR2 (currently on my second play through)) so I wanted to start writing for it. For example, at some point during the Clemens Point chapter, Arthur may see her smoking alone at the camp's scout campfire. She is sixteen and he must be twice that. Whilst at camp, one of the chores has Arthur moving two sacks to Pearson's wagon, and he will occasionally thank Arthur for doing this. Here, I remember you talking about it the other day, hed say, giving you a small, golden hair clip. Nonetheless, Arthur still sees Bill as a capable member of the gang and continued to bring him along on heists, such as when Uncle reveals he has a lead on a stagecoach, and the two often work surprisingly well together. She touches her tongue to the fine droplets of wet blood that coat her lips and cheek; it tastes of earth and salt, like the faraway memory of sea spray. Now, the fate once again brought the two of you together. This proved to be very useful later in the story when Arthur tries to find there whereabouts of the gang after his return from Guarma. He tries to give Jack advice and, at the request of Abigail, asked if he wanted to go fishing with him. Isaac was born from a relationship Arthur had with a waitress named Eliza. He decides to leave the gang and, should Arthur not help the nun in Saint Denis, will meet Swanson at the train station after dropping off Captain Monroe. You were picking up some stuff here and there from the listening to camp members talk. Or maybe its just myself I cant forgive I aint certain. As times goes on Swanson gets his act together and becomes sober, surprising even Arthur. Arthur would often engage in polite conversation with Strauss and would save him in Valentine when he, along with John, were held at gunpoint by Leviticus Cornwall's men. Gets easily irritated, but always the first one to apologize. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. I got this for you when I was in town. Arthur treated Jack like he was his own son and believes John neglects him too much. Honestly that shit was god damn real as it gets if you've been there. He could be an ass, but you loved him, so of course youd forgive him. Arthur's last words to Dutch is that Micah is a rat and he knows it. He often played along with Hosea's shenanigans, such as the role of the "idiot brother" to "The Clown" played by Hosea when the two were giving away moonshine at the Saloon in Rhodes, albeit Arthur did so reluctantly, indicating that he and Hosea have done this before. Arthur retorts that although he and Strauss are not good men, the people who Strauss was loan sharking to were. She drops her voice into an imitation of masculinity. At camp Uncle can come up to Arthur to have random chats, normally ending with an insulting comment from Arthur. ", I got to dance with Karen when Dutch randomly put on his record player at Clemens Point , Yes me too! Should the player accept, Arthur will attack the ranch. She would call your name, asking what you thought about a specific part. Kind of the way he's supposed to be dumb but he's obviously not. Whos my good girl? He further demonstrates his hostility by calling Arthur a turncoat after Bill goes at Abigail and Uncle. I think people want to blame her for Arthur's apparent low self esteem but I think that is mostly a self depreciating sense of humor. Arthur also keeps a flower next to his bed, which his mother saw as a good luck charm. He also aids Arthur and Javier when they need to take out two bounty hunters to save him. Miss Grimshaw is one of the camp members Arthur can play Poker with. He wondered how long she would keep his favor. Bill is another gang member who doesn't try to talk to Arthur around camp. Abigail had to know if this was Arthur seeing how useless John was and just taking pity on her and Jack, or if he was feeling the same way she had been lately. Dutch partially helped in avenging Arthur by shooting Micah dead, along with John. Howdy, my fellow outlaws! Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . I have been working on this for quite some time, so I decided to share it. The gang showed zero tolerance towards the Braithwaite family for taking Jack, they killed all of Catherine Braithwaite's sons and burned her manor to the ground before forcing her to tell them where he was. Trelawny arranges a plan to rob a lucrative riverboat called the Grand Korrigan, which is hosting a Poker tournament, and plays the role of getting Arthur trimmed and suited for the job and arrange his escort. The two men were under orders from a mysterious figure known only as The Traveler to save Arthur, as a reward for turning his life around. If you allow her, she will braid or do some fancy styles on them. After sharing a dance with him during Sean's coming home party, Mary-Beth realizes she can contain herself no longer. Whilst at camp Javier can ask Arthur to find him some Oleander, and in return he will regularly leave throwing knives at his tent. However, Dutch is initially indecisiveon who to believe but ends up pointing his guns at Arthur and John. Arthur is the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, and as a result he has relationships with important characters, as well as numerous other minor characters in the story. Upon learning of the pregnancy Arthur offered Eliza whatever support he could give. Please consider turning it on! Not only this, but Arthur can, on some missions, choose to help certain characters and/or make other decisions that will effect the outcome of their relationship. I thought Mary Linton was a good person. Arthur writes in one entry, sometime near his death, that he hopes John uses his brain better and that the luck that has eluded him will continue to help John instead. This concerns Arthur, and his friend Charles, greatly. Molly will tell Arthur that she broke her pocket mirror and is worried it will give her seven years bad luck. At camp Abigail doesn't come up to Arthur to engage in any conversations. Their friendship was brief, but impactful for both parties. By the end of the Van der Linde gangs time Micahs manipulation has greatly impacted Dutch as he starts to convince him that both Arthur and John, his proudest disciples, have turned on him. At Valentine, when John and Strauss got themselves captured by Leviticus Cornwall's men, Arthur tells Dutch to confront and talk to them whilst he waits for him to make a move, an idea that Dutch agreed to without hesitation. This line of work, although lucrative, disgusted Arthur and would often bemoan Strauss' habit of loaning to people he very well knew could not pay the debt back. This gains both his and Dutch's admiration and respect, to the point where even Dutch reprimanded Bill for not respecting Sadie. She drops her voice into an imitation of masculinity. Hosea gave him a look over the fire, a soft, heartbroken thing, but Arthur could find no remorse within him to give. (Imagining the interactions that happen between them and the reader as they try to communicate would be funny ^^), A/N: This was very fun to write, because at some point, I too was a non-english speaking immigrant. Rains Fall comforts Arthur and tells him that he is being too hard on himself. Imagine Arthur/Sean/Charles communicating with a non-English speaking immigrant reader. (any RDR2 character x reader). In regard to Arthur's indefatigable ability to provide the gang with money, food, and supplies, Dutch, while encountered in camp, will call Arthur "the best man among us.". She can mention to him that she used to play the Harmonica but no longer has one, which allows Arthur to find one for her. Arthur can have polite conversations with Molly. Mary-beth sat in her tent a book in her hand as always, luckily she had finished her chores for the time being so Mrs. Grimshaw wouldn't give her an earful for slacking off. Arthur returns Eagle Flies back to his to his father at the tribe's reservation, on the way Arthur expresses his regret for allowing him to get involved with Dutch, but Eagle Flies reassures him that all his decisions were his own. Your trusted horse, however, wasnt so lucky. However, Arthur was captured by the O'Driscoll Boys and was briefly tortured by them, having escaped and arrived back at camp, Dutch was clearly relieved at his return but also apprehensive about the dire state Arthur was in. Thanks to time travelers Francis Sinclair and Charles Smith, Arthur's life has been saved by a Saint Denis hospital in the year 2021. Sean, the bastard thats dragged him along that evening, skips past him to sit in the booth behind her. After the latter incident Trelawny chooses to stay with the gang for a while. Arthur and Hosea also went hunting for a Legendary bear, although they failed to kill him together, and they went fishing with Dutch where they shared anecdotes about their past together. He will later move in with John, Abigail and Jack at their homestead. The two grow close enough that Arthur feels comfortable to, for the first time, talk about his son and former lover, who both died after being murdered by two robbers over a petty amount of cash. At camp Lenny can play Five Finger Fillet and Poker with Arthur. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders. An accordion had just begun to play and they had begun to dance slowly. Arthur then dies and, depending on his honor level, it will either be from Micah killing him or peacefully succumbing to his tuberculosis. At some point prior to 1899, Mary-Beth got into trouble when she stole watches and wallets from several men. My favorite trio UwU. Abigail Roberts.Arthur Morgan.John Marston.Three people.Two who have been in each others' lives for what seems like forever.One who came in and changed everything.Highs and lows that seemed lower than possible.No matter what though, no matter what will happen in all three of their lives,they'll be there for each other. Dutch can occasionally come up and talk to Arthur around camp. Arthur can also play Five Finger Fillet with her after the mission "Blessed are the Peacemakers". Before the train heist Arthur tries to talk to Dutch about letting John and his family leave the gang peacefully. It is around this time that Dutch begins to negatively influence Eagle Flies to fight the U.S Army, to the worry of Arthur and his fellow gang member, and friend, Charles Smith. If you look at Arthurs interaction with people who dont speak English It seems like he has little to no patience with them lmfao. "Sshh . Dutch convincesEagle Flies to attack Cornwalls oil factory, forcing Rains Fall to arrive at the gang's hideout and convince Arthur and his friends to stop Eagles Flies from being killed, whilst inadvertently revealing to Dutch and Micah that Arthur has been aiding Rains Fall without theirknowledge. Mary Beth flushes and buries her head in her hands. At the same time, Arthur is haunted by memories of his past life, from 1883 to 1899. Arthur stumbles upon Charlotte mourning for her husband. In many ways, Red Dead Redemption 2 is more or less a character study of Arthur. You know, as an example of sorts., Or: Arthur reads Mary-Beth's journal and things only get better from there. Charlotte was grateful for his help and his company, having brought her up when she was at her lowest point. They successfully broke John out of prison but at the same time annoyed Dutch for disobeying his orders, however, Sadie's loyalty is to Arthur and isn't too fazed by Dutch's frustration with them. Arthur'sloss of faith in Dutch is exacerbatedafter hekills Leviticus Cornwall despite claiminghe was just going to meet him for a "social call" to try and strike a deal. A lot of people don't know, but Mary Beth and Kieran are most likely into each other. Arthur meets a creature in Saint Denis and struggles to adjust to his new reality. Abigail then gives Arthur the key to Dutchs chest that has all the money the gang has robbed throughout the story, surprising him. Arthur asked Dutch to spare her and simply kick her out, finding her pathetic but sad. When Kieran is brought into camp, Mary Beth starts feeding him and sneaking him in drinks while Kieran's tied to the tree, as the story progresses, Mary . However, this might be because of her disappointment in how far Dutch has fallen rather than genuinely preferring Arthur, as anecdotes can be heard that Miss Grimshaw was rather close to Dutch before the events in the game. At the start of the story Kieran is held prisoner by the gang and was mostly tied to a tree. Arthur mentions Eliza when conversing with Rains Fall, admitting that the incident caused him to believe he has no right to expect good things to happen to him because of the life he has led. It is generally believed that Mary-Beth had a crush on Arthur until, at least, she started developing feelings for Kieran, although this is unconfirmed. He's even avoiding Abigail so she tries to get an answer out of him. This took me two months to write LOL But in the end, Im very pleased with how it turned out. Soon after, Dutch and Eagle Flies come up with a plan to attack a U.S. Army convoy, but the plan gets out of control and Eagle Flies gets himself captured, which forces Arthur and Charles to rescue him from Fort Wallace. Some stories will be one-shots, others might have a sequel. Their relationship is actually one of the best plot lines in RDR2. Whilst at camp Arthur treats Jack with great care and affection when talking to him. Suddenly, John's light-hearted gaze darkened as his stance became somewhat domineering. He doesn't work on jobs or engages in any killings of any kind. Plan, faith, and money would be common words in most of his speeches, and youve already learned their meanings. Eagle Flies meets Dutch van der Linde when he comes to ask Arthur for his help after the U.S. Army steals some of the Natives' horses, with Dutch and the gang agreeing to help. I'm gonna adopt this headcanon and it's gonna help me feel okay when I finally get around to progressing past chapter 3. He stood, going to his saddlebag, and retrieving an item before offering his hand to Mary-Beth.
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