Eric Dubay 200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball) ArtofBreeAnna. By 2050, Muslims will make up nearly equal shares of Worlds population as of Christians. It is interesting to know that if you visit Dubai during the month of Ramadan, and you visit Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world; a height of 829 metres (2722 ft), you will find that when it is time to break fast during the month of fasting (Ramadan), which happens at sunset, people dining at the top restaurant break their fast 2 minutes later than the timing at ground level. Bijak Quran (@bijakquran) on TikTok | 712 Likes. Quran is the book directly revealed to his last prophet Muhammad (SWS) and is a complete set of code till the day of judgment. Trying to bend the verses to fit the narrative of the modern science is literally pushing donw the scripture, Earth is flat and geocentric as we experience , NASA LIES SO DOES ALL GOVERMENTS. Click here to download this article as a pdf. Clearly, the setting of underwater mountains on the Earth bears no relationship to the spreading of the Earth like a carpet, as Wiki-Islam would have us believe. It would seem to me that the earth and its spreading is mentioned separately from the mountains that have been made firm. Based on your logic stars would be found in the troposphere which we know isnt accurate. Are Two Female Witnesses Equal to One Man in Islam? are you serious Quran written at least 1500 years after Babylonian Mythology. Quran is miracle. This is because he would be pulled towards the centre of gravity of the disc, which is no longer below his feet, but farther away from him and at the centre of the disc. , God speaks of 4 items, they are (Night - Day - Sun - Moon). The mythology is clearly exactly the same, and the flat Earth is exactly the same, and the factual error is exactly the same. Earth is flat and it is the Center of the Universe. Do not lie. They had the impression, shared with the rest of mankind, that the earth was stationary and it was this false impression that was not obtrusively challenged. It just shows a different understanding of the verse. The word referred to (rawsiya) does not mean specifically ocean crust mountains since in 13:3 it is used for mountains and rivers placed therein when the earth is spread and 77:27 they are additionally lofty to emphasise their height above us. do not try to twist the Quran, Quran has no science in it. $18.00. It doesnt mean level up the whole earth and if you think that I I must you should see a therapist. why only mentioned about sun, earth, and moon in quran, not about other planets, it shows that the quran is written by a human as like he imagined what he have seen in their 40 year life, as we can see sun and moon only from earth. Yes Asif, its so obvious. News: Forum Policy earth is stationary quran verse Publicado por Por fatima sana shaikh relationship septiembre 22, 2021 Karo = do The earth was composed of a mass of dust, rock, water, air and minerals. 9 Scientific Miracles of the Quran (No. May be were not understanding it correctly. In fact, as we shall soon see, the very verses used to allege that the Quran presents a flat-earth worldview in reality are extraordinary prophecies, detailing an astounding geological feature of the earth that remained unknown until the 20th century. earth is stationary quran verse. Whereas, the whole world was considering that earth was stationary: Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. However, it is too complicated to discuss here. So that was ridiculous. But there are other verses that can. It is through reflecting on these created things that humans are able to recognize the existence and power of God: Indeed, in the alternation of the night and day and in what God has created within the heavens and the earth are signs for those who are pious. (10:9). One question remains, and it is applicable to all verses of the Quran on scientific topics. This shows how Islam as a belief or religion is shaping the peoples overall view of life. Please help me out sir They mean that the Earth is stationary and the Sun moves around the Earth and thus we have day and night. If you can replicate the experiment on your own then well and good, but by Allah you will not be able to get this value ever in real life. With this in mind, the basic principle is that whenever a literal or outward reading of a verse of the Quran or an authentic saying of the Prophet seems to contradict a decisively established point of fact, then that verse or saying is interpreted in a manner that accords to this established point of fact. So if it just means many it could simply refer to the billions of star systems in the universe. - Islamic Art Printable - Calligraphy - Quran verse - Modern Muslim Decor - Boho. 2. If they are lying (whoever) it is about the size of the earth. The earth started its existence "without form, and void." Genesis 1:2. This comes from the root and has the following derivative meanings: : to rotate; bring forth herbs; that which rotates; earth; land; city; country; ground As shown above, one of the meanings of this root means to rotate, which is exactly what the Earth does. The flat-Earthers claim that sunsets are caused by "perspective" (the Sun getting farther away). The failure of this allegation reminds me of the following statement of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas: I have seen people who make objections against Islam and I have collected these objections; and I say this truly that the point on which those who are unfamiliar with these matters have raised an objection, is precisely the point where a treasure of wisdom, truth and deep knowledge is buried and the person who objects has nothing but foolishness and blindness. Second, in these and several other verses in the Quran (see below) the orbits of sun and moon are mentioned together and no distinction is made between them. The Quran describes the Earth as having two Easts and two Wests. We just send you carefully researched, thoughtful content. It reached a depth of 40,230 ft (7.6 miles). Urdu/Hindi: Login with username, password and session length. If they had read with care the end of the same verse they would have been left with no room for any misunderstanding. Allahu Akbar, Waseem, may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus. I used to be a geography teacher, teaching all those stuff, but Alhamdulillah, I realised the truth that modern day science is working hard to quench the light of Allah on earth by fulsifying His scriptures, and the hypocrites are dancing to their tunes for worldly gains. So if we take this theory that the universe we live in is the bottom heaven, then the Quran isnt wrong since all stars are in our universe. Why so much emphasis on the idea of the Earth being spread and what does that even mean? We know that because the waters God created had to have been flat, just as they are today. It was a stationary mass, with a near flat surface neither rotating around itself nor revolving around any other heavenly body. It can only be because there exists a force that pulls heavenly bodies towards one another. This evidence, as we now know, establishes in a convincing fashion that the earth rotates around the sun. None of these verses can be used to pontificate on the shape of the entire planet. First, please check the Gravitational constant Gs value. Besides the above verses, there are numerous other verses of the Holy Quran that prove that the earth is stationary and the sun is in rotation. In his commentary, Imam Alusi (d. 1317/1854) states that some philosophers in his time argued that it was the sun that was stationary and the earth that revolved around it. Pls start using it. And there is it I take my leave from the people who have furthur gone Astray. Some skeptics claim that the order in the Quran is wrong. It is not a question of their thinking them to be stationary. It talks about a tribe of humans called the Namlites, ie: they were named after ants. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], In proving the static nature of the earth, the Holy Quran says, Undoubtedly, Allah upholds the heavens and the earth lest they deviate. [Surah 35, Verse 41], This tells us that neither the earth nor the sky is in motion. 4 Will Surprise Is the Earth Really Flat According to the Quran? Psalm 96:10 NASB Say among the nations, "The Lord reigns; The (Actual) Shape of the Earth in the Quran So He completed them into seven heavens in two days, and He revealed to each heaven its function. In so far as the prerogative to determine the movement of celestial bodies belongs to those in the fields of astronomy, cosmology, etc., those in the field of religious scholarship are required to submit to their opinions on these issues. As in one verse it says the Mountains are moving like clouds and in the other it says the Mountains are firmly rooted in the Earth both things can only be true if either the Earth is spinning on its axis or there is continental drift. As the plates move away from each other, the molten magma from under the Earths crust bubbles up, being given an opportunity to burst out under high pressure. Why would the sky fall down onto the earth? One of the words used is madad from the Arabic root which literally means to pull or stretch something by pulling. Gol = round. Though the above quite adequately demonstrates a magnificent Quranic prophecy, and at the same time refutes the notion that the spreading mentioned in the Quran visualises a flat-earth system, it is does not in itself provide evidence that the Quranic view of Earth is planetary. It simply states that when the mountains are crushed and scattered, there will be no elevation or depression in the Earth. If you dont know the language then you cant digest its true meaning. This verse confirms that the Earth with its 2 sides: a dark side (Night) and a lit side (Day) travels in an orbit. Tahir also enjoys writing fiction and has published his first novel, The Day They All Died Young. Assalam u Alakium Earth ( ) is mentioned in many verses of the Quran as the dwelling of humanity in the worldly life. With their objections they prove that they are narrow-minded and possess an unprincipled nature, otherwise they would not have raised objections against what is, in fact, a mine of deep and true knowledge. To read more about Big Bang cosmology in the Quran, see this in-depth article. These two forces combined account for the process of seafloor spreading: new crust pushes old crust away, and old crust pulls new crust along. There are a number of critical points that the above statement demonstrates. earth is stationary quran verse . It is a hoax! Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology. An official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. I was once like you brothers, but now I praise my Lord because he has awoken me to the falsehood of the Jesuit priests, secret worshippers of the sun, the son. Therefore it is a clear denial and rejection of the Quranic verses to accept the sun as the static centre and the earth revolving around it. The Holy Quran contains many scientific signs in Astronomy and Cosmology. Tahir Nasser is a writer, moonlighting as a medical doctor. So when the Quran describes the Earth as , not only is it describing the physical shape of the Earth, but also it is providing a depiction of the cross-section of the Earth, as well as describing that it is being spread in the form of continental drift. Secondly, the Michael and Morley experiment proved without doubt that the earth is stationary, so how is it easier for you to believe in the abstractions of Einsteins theories of time dialation and space shrinking, then your own eyes. But the sky itself is stationary. Some of these verses are quoted hereunder: If someone insists on defending the western way of thought, then the following verse should suffice in answering them, Does He not know, Who created? Finally, Wiki-Islam refers to the beliefs of the early Muslims, some of whom seemed to believe in a flat Earth. (c) That some of these verses have metaphorical meanings. Such a statement, they would emphasize, could not have been made by an All-Knowing, Supreme Being.Rather than literally comparing the motion of the earth to that of other heavenly bodies, the Quran makes the following statement: . Regarding ocean mountains, the best tafsir is the Quran itself. It is noteworthy that the early commentaries maintain silence on the true meaning of this verse which suggests that it was too difficult for them to interpret. Last Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in Sura Ahzab that there is no PROPHET after Hazrat Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam. The Arabic word for Earth is / l-ari. SO when Allah says earth is a bed spread out, it is an expanse I feel that is so true and I feel that is what earth means, not a spinning ball. The scientific consensus now is that slab-pull is the more powerful force (70-80%) and that ridge-push accounts for less (20-30%). tell us that, it is not only the Sun and the Moon that are travelling in orbits, but also the. But I also heard the explanation that seven is used to mean many or an endless repetition in the arabic language, in the same way thousands is used in English to mean many. This can in fact be understood as relating to a globe in which East is the West of West, and West is the East of East. Once again, it was thought that the Earth is stationary and flat and was returned to its old position at the centre of the universe. , and during the night you shall glorify, as well as at the ends of the day, so that you may be content. OMG this is a parody of sort, Why didnt Allah mention earth is round because people will not understand that in that time? The term seafloor spreading, dont forget, was not coined by Muslims. The movement of the sun is until its appointed time i.e. Cannot refer to sea floor spreading. Carpet can also be . We just need to understand its secrets. Allah says in the Quran: "Surely Allah holds the heavens and the earth (so) that they do not cease to exist; and indeed in case they cease to exist, decidedly no one would hold them both after Him. The Quran was sent down before that. There is not a single place in the Quran saying the Earth orbits the Sun. The simple one word answer is "Yes", I was writing about this a few days ago and clarified that the Quran does indeed promote a flat-earth view. Hi there Ayse. It is a matter of choice; believe in God and his Quran and his laws, or believe Hollywood, the ruling elites, NASA jokes, and the so called Gravity and Science. He is the One who created seven universes in layers. Oh alright then, heres one for you: The second argument is that because Ramadan is really long at the Polar regions (despite the fact that the Prophet of Islam gave advice on how to manage religious obligations when days are long) the Quran must have envisaged a flat earth. Ocean floor spreading is not the answer The verses about the earth being spread talk in the past tense and are in the context of the creation of the heaven and earth (spreading and continental drift rather are ongoing processes). They serve us in such a manner that they would never become tired or ever be off duty. Interestingly however, he found that the land closest to the volcanoes, was younger. You would see everything outside the train window moving and it would feel to you that you are stationary. Given that Continental drift to human beings hundreds of years ago would be impossible to imagine, the first conclusion Muslim scientists should have drawn was that the Earth was spinning on its axis based on a literal reading of the Holy Quran. 2 . The Earth is indeed flat, that is what the Quran and the Bible say. by | Jun 10, 2022 | aymilyon o'neal age | school bus air brake test steps | Jun 10, 2022 | aymilyon o'neal age | school bus air brake test steps Answered byShaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I am a revert to Islam. It also means an expanse. His view at the time was dismissed and regarded as outlandish. There is no point in reinventing the wheel, and as such, I will simply quote the remarkable and beautiful elucidation of the Fourth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, to explain the definitive evidence of a planetary model in the Quran: Now we turn to another aspect of the description of the cosmos which relates to the motion of the heavenly bodies. Excuse may be given to those who do not believe in the Holy Quran, however there can be no excuse for those who believe the Quran to be the true Word of God. As new crust forms at mid-ocean ridges, it produces a force termed ridge-push and as the lithosphere of one tectonic plate subducts into the mantle, it produces another force called slab-pull. Huh so you are a follower of some other religion not the Islam that is from Allah? He wont answer man, but here I will tell you, this seven heavens being troposphere and all is BS, They are only trying to fit Quran into how science interprets the universe`. There is NO verse in the whole Quran saying that the Earth is stationary or the sun is rotating around the Earth or the Earth has square or any other non spheroidal shape. The Quran implies that the earth is stationary in relation to the sun and moon. The verse refers to this illusion and speaks of the motion of mountains like clouds. The letter ( ) vaow used here can literally be translated as while instead of and, so the meaning could be, you think the mountains are stationary, while they are moving. The last part of the verse tells us that the orbit of each planet is different and that the stars are floating in such a way like the fish in the sea. This is the Black Sea, containing muddy springs (hence named Black) and sitting at the Western extent of Cyrus empire. As you have disassociate yourself from the disbelieving folks, thesame way our father Abrahim did. According to his model, which was accepted for around 14 centuries, the Earth was believed to be stationary and positioned at the centre of the universe while the Sun, Moon, planets and all stars revolved around the Earth. The Quran is a religious text that claims to be word-for-word revealed from the All-Knowing God, so if the Quran did state quite clearly that the world was flat, then that would indeed be a serious problem for Muslims. In this verse, God describes how He is literally destroying land at its outlying borders. Islam is one of the biggest and fastly growing religion in the World after Christianity which explain every bit and byte of human life. The mid-Atlantic is the largest mountain range in the world, running a huge course on the seafloor of the Atlantic ocean. All Rights Reserved. The evidence that the earth is round includes the following: Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): "He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night" [az-Zumar 39:5]. there are verses which are interpreted by some scholars as meaning the earth is flat whilst other scholars reject this interpretation and believe the earth is spherical. To find someone with the same intellect. pizzeria storgatan 27 borgholm; why does grapefruit taste like soap; nome astratto di vedere Do We Need Double-Blinded Trials for Faith? The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. [Surah 36, Verse 40], The first part of the verse means that the sun cannot rise at night to take away the light of the moon. Insha Allah hereunder you will find proof from the Holy Qur'an that the earth is in fact stationary and the sun revolves around in an orbit. The Quran never said that earth is flat. The focal point (center) of the earthquake is the point under the earth's surface where the earthquake energy is released. 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due . heavens and the earth were a joined entity then We ripped them apart. 1 Sometimes it is considered that this verse has connection with Qiyamat. TheDuaCo. Indeed, "God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2. The Qur'an mentions the earth several times, and it is obviously flat in description. earth is stationary quran verse. Early Muslims however believed this related to the two extreme points on the horizon where the sun rose and set from and to, during the height of Summer and the depth of Winter. In reality the prophetic words relate to the great and mighty powers, mountains standing figuratively in the Quran for mighty powers or leaders. Nowhere is this better seen than the Islamophobic website WikiIslam devoted, it seems, to the most absurd allegations against the Quran, the religion of Islam, and the person of the Prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace. From this, the authors have argued that the Quran is speaking of a time when man will be able to see to the end of the Earth. Maybe devils in that verse means devil-like people, maybe there were evil people back then that were scared of shooting stars for some reason, but that is just my theory. 57K views, 7.7K likes, 1K loves, 390 comments, 1K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dr Zakir Naik: The Quran Mentions the Earth is Spherical in Shape 1400 years ago - Dr Zakir Naik QMS-4 #The. Zameen gol hai If you want to be scientific then Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question I heard from a shaykh about waking up f, Don't miss out on ourcarefully researched articles. Salam tahir nasir Answering the allegation thatthe Holy Quran claimed that earth is flat. Level up the land or Flat the land So why would the whole world conspire to falsify the words of Allah and why are our top scholars bending backwards to capitulate to so called Science. Not to burst their bubble, but the atmosphere of Earth actually is composed of multiple layers. Thank you. If the Quran had described the earth as stationary and the heavenly bodies as revolving around it, then although the people of that time might have been satisfied with this description, the people of the later ages would have treated that statement as a proof of the ignorance of the Qurans author. Lo! The idea of mountain peaks being beyond man's reach was an illusion, as was also their stationary aspect. It is just a misconception that according to Qur'an Earth is Flat. Does Islam Permit Rape of Female Prisoners of War? They shall come to know. Subhaanallah! Just another site. By virtue of a worldwide treaty between all governments of the world, the ice wall is protected by soldiers to stop anyone from crossing it. He is the co-founder of Rational Religion. Yes, the Earth is flat (1 of 2) Next position > The Bible says that the Earth is a stationary object and is flat Many proponents of the flat Earth theory draw from biblical Scripture to back up their argument, which provides a specific interpretation that, to them, confirms their hypothesis. This concept is part of the following classification in the ontology : Earth is referred to in verse ( 7:54) of chapter (7) srat l-arf . In fact, wonder upon wonder is heaped in these verses. The laws of Inertia state that when we are on a moving body, we would not feel or detect our movement. We all know NASA only show us CGI images of Earth. Its strange why the blessed ones are actually the most negligent . When you were talking about Sky above us you said it was referring to the layers of our atmosphere. That the first heaven is probably immaterial or beyond time and space, and probably doesnt have the properties of even quantum physics and all that. I will compare two languages English and Urdu/Hindi and translate them as I Urdu/Hindi is my native language and as you can see I have learned English from school. There are. do you now what happen if all the stars are at the lowest heaven. All the old Mufasirin have mentioned the real meaning of the verses that u mentioned and all say Earth is flat. Now if I wanted to make a house in a hilly area I have to level up the land so in English I will say: It is common in the Quran for God to draw the attention of the reader to physical processes and use them as analogies for spiritual truths. If lamps mean either planets or stars, I think the lowest heaven either means the solar system (with the planets reflecting sunlight as the lamps) or a cluster of stars. Hai is like is. While all creatures came from water and then crawled on their bellies is correct, all evolution theories suggest that evolved animals walked on four legs long . They look the same from the earth, traversing through the sky; but as everyone knows in reality their orbits . That some Muslims of the past believed in a flat Earth is not an argument that carries any weight. The Quran and the 'Flat Earth' model A person standing near the edge of the disc would feel a horizontal pull and not a downward pull. To understand the significance of this, lets look at the words the Quran uses for the term mountain. Futuristically optimistic to bring efficacious change through innovation, to eventually becoming a TYPE 1 civilization. He overlaps the night over the day and overlaps the day over the night, and enslaved the sun and the moon. ) From the Quranic Arabic Corpus - Ontology of Quranic Concepts. Menu and widgets If it was, the undersea mountain ranges would become taller and sea-levels around the world would rise until all land would be submerged. There are many verses of the Holy Quran that clearly show the rotation of the moon and the sun, which are given as under: It is for this reason that I advise you to pursue your search for the truth with gentleness and patience.. The Earth is round This is because they can see further and thus they see the Sun for 2 minutes longer than those on ground level. : the origin of life. Moreover, the word jibaal is never conjoined with the Earth spreading out. Tafsir Jalalayn says that EARTH is flat. Required fields are marked *. what female character trope are you +91-7900646497; Zameen = land. seven universes and of the earth their like. He produced therefrom its water and its pasture, But how can we know for sure that the verse is talking particularly about seafloor spreading that occurs at the bottom of the ocean? By: A. Muhammad, 2001 - 2023 Copyright | All Rights Reserved - True Islam |. Of course they will quickly jump and say there are verses that say the Deen of God is Islam, this shows how ignorant and blind they are, they brand the name Islam and do not even attempt to translate it to submission, deceiving the masses into a cult called Islam, the path of God is submission to him not Islam. Nor was the sunna primarily interested in elucidating points of scientific fact. It puzzles me that such great minds were unable to come to the conclusion that a 13 or 14 year old child was close to coming to the only reason I can think of for this is that the Muslim Scientists and thinkers of the East were so enamoured with the works of Aristotle which limited their imagintive thinking and were not employing the Holy Quran in their scientific thought processes whereas in the West the Muslim Scientists started breaking vehemently away from Aristotle.. Hello, I think in this verse it uses a figure of speech. All this is absurd, false and contrary to observation.. However, if the Earth was flat, gravity would affect people and objects quite differently, depending on how far they are from the centre of the flat Earth. As it happens, the majority of the features of the FEM contradict and discredit a large number of scientific theories and scientific knowledge that has been known and accepted for many centuries. Holy Quran 51:48 This astonishing verse does not just tell us that the universe has expanded. Each one runs to a term stated. The third argument is that the Quran describes how a time will come when God will level the mountains such that no depression or elevation will be seen in the Earth. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], Allah Taala further states, The sun is not permitted to overtake the moon, nor can the night overtake the day. Thank you for your concern but were good. And since this is not what people who are located far from the centre of the Earth experience, the Flat Earthers decided that it is easier to declare that there is no such thing as gravity! The process, he realised, verified the theory of continental drift. Imagine that. He has written for the Huffington Post, Patheos and the Guardian. In his commentary, Imam Alusi (d. 1317/1854) states that some philosophers in his time argued that it was the sun that was stationary and the earth that revolved around it. Also funny how the exact same language of God spreading out the Earth appears in pre-Islamic texts describing a flat Earth.
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