Its a problematic idea with unfortunate side effects. Learn how your comment data is processed. Macchiarini had often boasted to Alexander of his famous friends. A good example is the NBC documentary A Leap of Faith. Yet because of the ensuing complications, she had to receive a tracheoplasty in April 2011 and another cadaveric trachea graft in 2018. Thousands of people in the United States alone develop trachea problems each year from burns, birth defects, tumors and extended intubation on ventilators. The operations were hailed at the time as a breakthrough in regenerative medicine, although some observers remained skeptical. You can see this in the speed with which his breakthroughs were accepted. Change). It did much the same for Macchiarinis windpipe replacements. But of 20 patients, including children, most ultimately died, and scientists said Dr. Macchiarini misrepresented data and exaggerated his techniques effectiveness. None have been forced to hold full and independent inquiries. Almost overnight, he became a superstar. This was the start of a whirlwind romance that included five-star hotels, travel to far-flung locations, and extravagant shopping sprees. KI officials let him do this. The story portrayed Macchiarini, who was already married at the time, as a serial fabulist who exaggerated or lied about degrees, academic appointments, and Faced with this public relations disaster, the Karolinska Institute immediately promised to investigate the allegations but then, within days, suddenly announced that Macchiarinis contract would not be extended. Ms. Sein speaking with Dr. Eric M. Genden Sr., left, who developed the pioneering procedure, and Dr. Sander S. Florman, director of Mount Sinais Transplantation Institute. All but one died following severe complications with the implants. The verdict is the latest development in Macchiarinis stunning fall from grace. And Murphy found that Macchiarinis claims about the wedding were almost all untrue and that the surgeon was married and had been for nearly 30 years. He should be given death penalty! Benita packed her bags again, and began to search for Paolo in order to face him once more and their final confrontation is captured in He Lied About Everything. Macchiarinis argument that KI fully supported and encouraged the surgeries likely swayed the judges as well, he says. So did Karolinskas dean of research. Thats what Macchiarini told his fiancee. If she talked for over five minutes, she had to stop because I couldnt breathe.. Guided by several mentors, he delved into research and animal experiments, developing a transplant approach. But Benita, at the time an award-winning investigative news producer for NBC, had no way of knowing that, by the end of her love story, her heart would be broken and many of Paolo's patients who received the "miracle" transplants would be dead. She received a new trachea in January and is believed to be the first patient in the world to undergo a successful direct transplant of a donor trachea. Death Season 2, Mandy Moore Joins Dr. In the months and years following their respective surgeries, all of them except Dmitri Onogda have passed away due to post-operative complications. Also seduced by Macchiarini was former NBC News producer Benita Alexander, who met the surgeon in 2013 when she was working on A Leap of Faith, an NBC special about Macchiarini hosted by Meredith Vieira. How did the GameStop stock spike on Wall Street happen? In other countries, more of Macchiarinis patients died after receiving one of his artificial windpipes. Sonia Sein, outside her Bronx home, had irreparable damage to her trachea. Paolo proposed to her on Christmas Day in 2013. Macchiarini has consistently claimed he is innocent. Not only that, they later covered it up.. Dmitris graft had started collapsing six months into his surgery as well, but he managed to get it successfully removed and is now living with a tracheostomy. Talking about her spouse Paolo, he became infamous for research fraud and manipulative behavior. Every year, it gives science a show-business makeover, picking out from the mass of medical researchers those individuals deserving of superstardom. Does the heat of stem cell research the high levels of funding, prestige and media coverage it enjoys somehow encourage fraud? "Maybe it happened because I am a journalist, and once I sort of woke up and put my journalist hat back on, I could expose him," she said. Hwang, Obokata and Macchiarini were all attracted to the hottest regions of stem cell research, where hope for a medical breakthrough was greatest. They identified many problems with the way the twin organisations handled him. Called Experimenten (The Experiments), it argued convincingly that Macchiarinis artificial windpipes were not the life-saving wonders wed all been led to believe. With Macchiarinis exploits endorsed by management and breathlessly reported in the media, it was all too easy to jump on that bandwagon. Florida Its fascinating to rewatch as a lesson on how not to report on medical science. She visits Mount Sinai weekly for blood work. Benita Alexander and Paolo Macchiarini in Venice, Italy [Investigation Discovery]. As he said in Experimenten: If I had the option of a synthetic trachea or a firing squad, Id choose the last option because it would be the least painful form of execution.. But some of Alexander's friends began to become suspicious. Journals retracted several of his studies. There was another woman from the Czech Republic with mucoepidermoid carcinoma who received such a transplant. Paolo was a world-renowned surgeon who spoke six languages, mingled with the global elite, and resembled George Clooney. Over the years, this possibility has generated great excitement and a huge amount of research. According to Macchiarini and his colleagues, her artificial organ was well on the way to looking and functioning liked a natural one. China ABCs true-crime documentary series The Con premieres with the story of Paolo Macchiarini, who was once considered a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine but allegedly turned out to be just a fraud. The very next day, she got an email from a friend that outlined the Pope's plans to visit South America on Benita and Paolo's wedding day. Colorado In 2013, the hospital halted future operations with synthetic trachea and opted to not extend Macchiarinis contract. He is from Italy. She received another She met Macchiarini while producing A Leap of Faith and was soon breaking one of the cardinal rules of journalism: dont fall in love with the subject of your story. Its like when you get on a rocket ship., At times, he felt in a dreamlike state, he said. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. He understood how difficult her life had become. Sorry we couldn't set a reminder for you this time. This went on for three years until, just recently, Grinnemo was cleared of all wrongdoing. Reports of their success always seemed like hot air to him. They exchange their vows in Italy. Likewise, they didnt undertake a proper risk assessment of the procedure, nor did Macchiarinis team seek government permits for the plastic windpipes, stem cells, and chemical growth factors they used. In 2017, prosecutors in Sweden charged Macchiarini with manslaughter in connection with the three patients who had received transplants at KI in 2011 and 2012, all of whom had died: Andemariam Teklesenbet Beyene, a graduate student from Eritrea with a slow-growing cancer obstructing his windpipe; Christopher Lyles, a 30-year-old American with tracheal cancer; and Yesim Cetir, a teenager from Turkey whose trachea had been accidentally damaged during a previous surgery. Chatri Sityodtong When you implant a synthetic trachea you have one certainty, and that is that the patient will die as a result of it, Delaere says in the email. The secret sauce in his approach, he said, is transplanting not just the donor trachea but also its attached esophagus (food tube), thyroid gland and thyroid arteries. Dr. Genden said some scientists told him Youre out of your mind because trying a transplant would risk his reputation. They planned to marry in the Catholic Church in Italy. Unfortunately, the scandal is much bigger than Karolinska, which accounts for only three of the patients who have received Macchiarinis regenerating windpipes. Alexander said that Macchiarini told her he was still married to his wife because they were Catholic but were separated. In April 2017, the university terminated his project. Since this was radically new, Macchiarini and his colleagues should have tested it on animals first. Each new scientific discovery brings a flood of stories about how it will revolutionise medicine one day soon. To some extent, they believed Macchiarini because he told them what they wanted to hear. Source: ABC Article continues below advertisement His relationship with Benita, And then there are the surgeons on Dr. Death. Her colleague had sent an article that said the pope would not be in Rome, or even Italy, on the day of their wedding. The university board was dismissed and even Harriet Wallberg, whod moved on to become the chancellor for all Swedish universities, lost her job. The court had to apply the intentional indifference standard for the assault charges, he says, which is difficult to prove. At the time, Macchiarini was employed by the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden. He traveled to Illinois to operate on a Korean toddler who was born without a trachea and who was going to be the youngest person to ever receive an artificial one. In his case, his stem cells were seeded into the airway just hours before it was implanted into him, making it work perfectly fine. Illinois Claudia Castillo with Dr Paolo Macchiarini. However, the serious complications that Castillo suffered were, for a long time, kept very quiet. Philippines Gerdins report, released in May 2015, concluded Macchiarini was guilty of misconduct, but university administrators rejected that conclusion 3 months later, arguing Macchinarini and his co-authors had satisfactorily countered the issues Gerdin raised. She considered backing out. North Carolina Support for Macchiarini remained strong, even as his patients began to die. The next morning, with the donor and Ms. Sein in adjacent rooms, a team of over 50 medical personnel assembled. There was nothing anybody could do for these patients, said Dr. Genden, who became captivated by the problem in medical school 30 years ago after a patient with a tracheal tumor died. George Floyd Dr. Paolo Macchiarini became a star by creating a bioartificial windpipe. Castillo was soon back home, chasing after her kids. Benita Alexander on attending Paolo Macchiarinis criminal trial in Sweden Alexander said she attended Macchiarini's trial for closure, seven years after she was Some of them have been successful, but theyre cumbersome in different ways and theyre not a trachea, Dr. Patterson said. She told CrimeFeed that, looking back, it seemed odd to her she had not met many of Paolo's close friends in Barcelona.