I pray for their families and their marriages. 113 Deliverance Prayers Against Strange Women And Men 1. I have to pass people tests if Im to go to another level in Christ. Let them be removed from my life before I fall into any snares that could drag me down into wickedness. Please God in Heaven Please remove Johanni Migelina Nunez Casimiro & any other women or persons interfering in my marriage to Osvaldo Cuello Reyes Please God in Heaven Please bring my husband back to me we have been married 30 yrs & for 1 woman to come along & destroy our marriage is not of GOD i pray with all my heart & sole that you God Bring us back together as one & to be stronger than ever because I Love this my husband & no other man I do not want to lose my Husband, Osvaldo Cuello Reyes Place a Hedge of Thorn Around Him GOD IN HEAVEN BRING MY ONE & ONLY Husband BACK TO ME THANK YOU GOD IN HEAVEN I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART GOD In JESUS NAME I PRAY. Currently I do not have each prayer available for individual download. Please pray for me to be well and stable to deal with this in the However, sometimes the person inflicting the evil eye can be doing it with or without intention, so it can be done by someone close to them who may be a good person or vice . I do not sleep and see that they are chatting at all hours: 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM again at 6 AM, 7 AM and even during working day hours. During covid our marriage was stressed he drank heavier he started drugs. Another great way to pray for your husband is to ask God to lead him. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Thank you again so much. Do not let their false and hurting words of them touch me. Vengeance belongs to you God, not me. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Please pray for me for this woman to settle in her own marriage and stop squandering what belongs to my family. I am asking you my prayer partners to please touch and agree with me that every ungodly relationship in my husbands life and your husbands lives are destroyed. Every spirit wife/every spirit husband, die, in the name of Yeshua. One of the best weapons to use to outwit the strange is not by quarrelling, fighting, or insulting each other, but by continuous prayers and fasting. Listen to a sister who has faith in God.. Do not give up hope. He wont tell me it my daughter where he lives and sought a lawyer. I dont but I am going to be writing more blogs on this subject because there are quite a few interested in more information. Please help me to recognize their evil intentions. When dealing with dark energies, sometimes it causes so much stress that your inner spirit can fragment or can be referred to as a fractured spirit/soul. My mother has been dealing with tarot cards, palm readers(warlocks she called them) and things like that Im not sure if its witchcraft or what I just dont know what is going on. He has cameras in the house and one day I happen to sneak up on him and on the camera I saw a woman in the house sitting at the dining room table, and when I asked who she was, he said it was the maid, and proceeded to curse me out. Thanks for your comment. Dear Heavenly Father The ministry I speak of is http://www.rejoicemarriageministries.org. He is retired and has a house in another country, which he travels to quite often. However, if you are interested in the different categories, I include these definitions on my terms page list. He stopped talking to her but she keeps on talking to him. Though I have tried to change the outcome, each time I am with them, the same things happen. I hope you remove all these people with as much haste as you can, so I can bring light and joy back to my life. Now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. Remove from me all evil force, destroy it so that I can be healthy and able to do good deeds. Prayer Points 1. Dear Lord Jesus,I pray that you may deliver my husband into the hands of this lady Ruth ,God I know there is nothing which is difficult for you.chridt Jesus may you destroy every plan that they have and May you teach them to rely on you for comfort and refuge.my husband confronted to me everything and called it an end but this woman still calls him ,its my prayer God that she may realize that you are the giver of everything.God deliver and restore back the love,the enemy has taken away from me.thank you Jesus. The best way to pray for your husband is to ask God to lead you in prayer. I dont understand why God is allowing this relationship to prosper. Have lost him as well. I knew this but didnt take head of Gods warnings to continue to have faith and pray and give my husband to him! She has been after my husband for years. Sounds pretty bad right? I know how you and others feel in this situation.I pray for you and others to be fully united in your marriage with your husband.I pray Jesus will answer all our prayers that is in this situation.Jesus please take the wheel for us all and heal our broken hearts.Jesus we ask in your name to remove these outside women from our lives and the lives of our husbands.Jesus in your name we ask you to remove our husbands lustful ways and allow them to remember the vows they took before us and honor those vows to us.I pray that you will force them to lose interest in our husbands and help these women find single men in their lives to be with.Jesus please repair and heal all our marriages and make our marriages better and more loving,respectfulness,more attentive to us and put us first in their lives and become more attentive to your words.Amen. We were very much connected. God bless you. Remember, the power of Gods love can change even the wicked. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. He has already gone to a divorce lawyer this week. ? Father, I pray that You will cause me to think upon those things which are pure, honest, and of a good report (Philippians 4:8), and I pray that you will not allow my mind to wander into idleness and lust, but that it stay upon the name and person of Jesus. I pray that he would daily seek your face, hear your voice, and work out his own salvation in fear and trembling. Healing the heart is central to solving many adverse conditions and situations so spending a bit of time on your heart is time well-spent. Thank you for posting the prayers for husbands. How to remain free from curses and spells. Well this woman would call me everyday telling me things about my husband .She made up lies to my husband about me so I left them alone. My husband of almost 25 years left my daughter and I to be with a married woman that he works with that has four children. He has already gone to a divorce lawyer this week. God bless all of you and keep on looking up. My husband of 25years started cheating on me 3years ago with a younger woman. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to assign Your holy angels to protect me from any strategies of darkness designed to oppose this prayer for freedom. While it may not be easy, it is possible to have a successful marriage even when your spouse is not a believer. (1Pet.4:7) May he think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely whatever is admirable or praiseworthy, so that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will be able to further, Free E-course: 7-Day Fasting & Prayer Guide for Wives, A Wifes 40-Day Fasting and Prayer Journal, Scripture Prayer Cards for Husbands and Wives, Scripture Prayer Cards to Pray Over Children, Trust Scripture Study A REST Method Study, Courage Scripture Study A REST Method Study, 30 Prayers in Scripture A REST Method Study, I Exalt Thee Bible Study A REST Method Study. My husband of almost 25 years left my daughter and I to be with a married woman that he works with that has four children. thank you for these prayers. There is nothing Satan can do when there is a Woman of God praying for her husband. I prefer leaving what happens to negative entities in the hands of God. The first one is that your husband breaks the affair when you pray. Your prayers are such a blessing! However, remember that God is always willing to help us, and He wants nothing more than for us to be happy and free from harm. 4. To be the husband to me God wishes. "All day long I have held out My hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, Any and ALL prayers and positive vibes, WE NEED!! 3. Dark beings enter people, places, and things through spirit portals they create. I know its mutual, as Ive heard her say things while Im on the phone with my husband. Help him to stand strong, being clear minded and self-controlled so He can hear You when he prays. Show me the truth of this person, their true heart. Please lord, his co-worker leslie keeps contacting him. You are the Almighty God, and his power doesn't stand a chance to the might You yield. No matter if this is simply a person who has lost their way or if this is an agent from below, I beseech you to help me. I am placing all my trust in you God for my families everlasting love to return and their will no longer be sin trying to come between my family. Daniel 10:2-3 "At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I will contact you personally to ask you a couple of questions. Praise the Lord. I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. Now he did not say no and he left me for this woman. The Bible is full of great advice on how to deal with difficult people, including wicked husbands. Amen!!! Light, dear light. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. and wants to be with me Lord i pray that he looses all intrest in her. Im praying heavily to break the soul tie that connects them. Therefore, my plea to you is let us stand together and declare war on adultery. Ive fooght with this disgusting sick habit of his most out marriage. Please help!!! Though I know you teach us that we always have people put in our lives for a reason, I must implore you to help me. Im praying that any other women to not give him attention anymore. I just dont understand. See my blog post, Prayers to Heal a Fractured Spirit, to learn more about reuniting a fractured spirit. I discovered that the woman goes to his house often, and that she has a key to check the house when he is not there. No more , Lord, please bless my relationship. This is a much needed prayer during this time of quarantine. It has taken me a long time to understand that praying for others or sending positive thoughts to others speeds up and maintains healing. Amen. After many promises to our 2 daughters and myself of not leaving ever again. To his cousins to contact the OW. Holy Father, give me the strength to turn away from those in my life who add no real value. Right now he is having an affair with another woman in the Caribbean. May the LORD grant all your requests. I so would like to be able to print this out to have in my prayer room. Claim and believe that God is going to bring victory every day by the power of your Lord Jesus Christ, who is going to fight for you. She dumped the other coworker and was now once more attacking my marriage. Please have the other woman stay away from my husband let him not want her amen. Ask God to help him see things from His perspective and to make wise decisions. Does fasting help to get rid of negative entities? The Lord is always with you and will never leave or forsake you. If you could drop our names and situation in your church prayer request. No matter where I am, I will look to You as my Protector, the One Who fights for me every day. Father, I thank you for giving me a very handsome husband in Jesus name. These cookies do not store any personal information. Day and night she sent him messages and pictures. I also emailed her without response. Toxic comes in different forms. May God bless you. Through prayer, you will reclaim the ground the enemy has stollen. This website contains advertisements. We know you are in control of every situation. Please help me to know the truth and joy of you once more, Father. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.