Like you, I have had quite a journey from that fundamentalist type upbringing to where my faith is now. I am a 38 year old video game developer. Basically, evangelicals take the Bible more seriously than some other shades of Christians, and tend to emphasize a personal conversion experience and the importance of spreading the message to others. For a long time, you have been one of my favorite authors, helping me to keep pursuing the faith when church hurt made me want to disappear. I came across The Jesus l never Knew while trying to settle into my new life in rural Australia. It breaks my heart to think of him still away from the Lord. The Methodist Church is discussing Gay marriage, and I know that there is a notion to say yes to it as other denominations have here. Autobiographies can be vain and boring, but this one is not. I have read some of your books and enjoyed them all. Wellington, South Africa. At age 17, Philip is a student at a fundamentalist Bible college. This weekend to come I anticipate having the privilege of speaking at a small church Christian womens retreat and my kick-off question is Do you see God working through all of the prayers He hasnt answered the way you would have wanted? So most likely you are the person who built that foundation in my life. It is fascinating to explore as I continue to write. The Reason for God ~ Tim Keller I saw this quote today used in a Psychology Today article and decided I would take Mr. Emersons advice and write a letter of gratitude and appreciation to a few people whose works have had a significant impact on me. This incident confirmed what Paul, Pastor Oliver Johnson and a number of prisoners had told me about Graham Spilsbys violent nature. And I doubt that I am with Christians. I met someone who took me to a Quaker Meeting. Philip. Everyone wants to focus on politics. Even though DWG addresses different questions than what I was dealing with, it still helped me immensely. Paul is a large and imposing man. Khaldoun I responded by writing you that I kept a journal all the time I was in the group (8 years). But I guess it keeps his flock coming back each week. after Sandy Hook, to my surprise I felt my faith affirmed, not shattered. He quotes Desmond Tutu, For us who are Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof positive that love is stronger than hate, that life is stronger than death, that light is stronger than darkness, that laughter and joy, and compassion and gentleness and truth, all these are so much stronger than their ghastly counterparts. I agree. There are many so many and you are among those who have helped me become me. There are some sensitive and controversial aspects to this book that I need help navigating, and Whats So Amazing is just that. As a 53 year old male who is happily married and extremely satisfied in every aspect of my life, the struggle remains in following Gods primary command to love God with all your heart and soul. I found the book so helpful, and encouraging in its frank honesty. I remembered how human you were in your books and how your writing established a template that allowed room for my brain, for my soul, for my poetic thrashings. Recently I decided to try and step away from the constant critical analyzing to appreciate the undeniable beauty of faith in my life that I have found. At the time of my suspension, he was on secondment to another institution. Believe or dont, but I dont see why we need to argue about what it says.. I examined the envelope, which was pieces of papers scotched-taped together, and knew that it would not hold together for long. When some staff had asked me to bless their homes, to pray with them and to help them spiritually, Paul told them that I was not a real priest because I was not RC. Kerry and Brenda, Zadok Online, (July 9, 2007), Gordon Preece and Paul Mitchell, "Treasure Hunting with Philip Yancey," author interview. I told him that I did not think I would be accepted, since Monty Lewis and Frank Costantino with Bridges of Canada had refused to give me a job due to my same-sex attraction and my frequent reporting of sexual abuse of children by priest and pastors in Canada and in the USA. I can see why youre a little relationship-shy, Carol, in view of the brief background you mention. Great to touch base with you. I called a friend I knew to be a strong Christian and asked what was happening. The treatment was therapy sessions that I could not afford. A Guided Tour of the Bible: Six Months of Daily Readings, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1990. Philip. At least I feel warmth and love in your writing. Its just illogical, but somehow this notion survives. There are services out there that offer just what youre asking. Thanks for all your write-ups. And whatever we long for, God longs for more. Again, on what grounds can you make this statement? Philip. I know the purpose of that days devotional was not for you to complain about having to interact with people on this subject. Felipe. Why deny Science? It is impossible to explain the connection I have to that book. I hope that helps. Dave Holden, Toxic churches in New Zealand?! If so, where could I purchase it? I called Brian that afternoon to clear up the situation, telling him what my meeting with Mr. Rasmus had been about. It was just thoughts like we all have attraction thoughts towards other people male or female from time to time. How do you look at the topic of election / predestination? Please dont think God is ignoring you. Perhaps most life changing was my first read Whats So Amazing About Grace and The Jesus I Never Knew. A penny for your thoughts: In thinking about prayer, it seems out of balance. You were the first Christian writer who made room for a thinker like me. Hundreds of church members formed a prayer rallies for him. I am not an overly emotional person, but the journey of research and reading this has taken me on in order to better understand the Christian faith, why people deconstruct and what I truly believe, has been heart-rending. Thats how the light gets in. Philip Yancey (born November 4, 1949[1]) is an American author who writes primarily about spiritual issues. Others bring in a bag of 30 or more seven-inch nails and a DVD player and nothing is said. Thank you for what you do, and please keep it up! You replied with encouragement that was so unexpected, that it was almost jarring. Thus we met, merely as a matter of courtesy, with no expectations, no points of reference. As a retired Mennonite Pastor, I can resonate with many of the stories you use to highlight what is so amazing about grace. I first wrote this letter in May of 2001. Sojourners, November 1, 1999, review of The Bible Jesus Read, p. 50; February 1, 2004, Jim Wallis, "Sex, Lies, and Life on the Evangelical Edge: An Interview, with Philip Yancey, the Best-selling Christian Author Who Is Surprised at How Much He Gets Away With," p. 32. What happened to my seed and Malachi 3 opening the floodgates of Heaven? I dont want to miss this opportunity to write to you to tell you how awesome it has been to read your writings. Thank you for the information about Richard no doubt about it, I will keep praying for him. P.S. Thank you for asking the hard questions! Nevertheless, thats how I feel. Am I an anomaly and a monster because of this? Ever since, Yancey has explored the most basic questions and deepest mysteries of the Christian faith, guiding millions of readers with him. I read the book by the way! Im so touched that my books were with you on the journey. One of my roles was to organize training for COPE workers [5]. I walked into a public library about 15 years ago, with about 45 minutes to burn until it was time to pick my daughter up from school. My interests include skiing, climbing mountains, mountain-biking, golf, international travel, jogging, nature, theology (in small doses), politics, literature, and classical music.. When the verdict was brought forward, I could not stand and stayed silent with tears. Thank-you very much. If Dawkins was ever able to read Role Reversal what might then result? Only after they were deeply convicted of their crime and asking how they might be saved from its consequences did they hear that word of amazing grace, the offer of baptism, and the promise of forgiveness. A few minutes later, tears were streaming down my face and I was trying to hold back the sobs as I finished your description of Babettes Feast and said to myself, Can this really be true? Everyone knew and talked about this lawyers, guards, management, Elizabeth Fry Society members yet no one stopped him or reported him. Is God purposefully steering the asteroid to miss us like He could have done on 9/11? I am an attorney and father of 6- just wondering.In Christ,Peter. It seems that you and the writers mentioned have something subtle in common. No one knows a mans heart, except God. Thank you. Darwin says it is adaptation to lifes conditions. I know he appreciates your interest, and Ill let him know next time we communicate. The first time I almost lost my faith, the second time I got it back, and this time Im just enjoying it as well as the scribbled notes in the margins from my previous 2 sojourns. I told them that I suffered from panic/anxiety attacks when bullied, and that I had been on a long-term federal disability pension due to major depression [21]. And as the Chairman of Youth With A mission International living comfortably in the UK still, he refuses to apologize for what was done to me. A book is a poor substitute, I know, but I would recommend Henri Nouwens The Inner Voice of Love (written when he was in a similar state) or most anything by Brennan Manning, who battled this issue all his life. None apologized ever even though I sought reconsiliation. Next, Id recommend Whats So Amazing About Grace. I was offered a Correctional Services Canada in Charlottetown Prince Edward Island as a Community Chaplain and a volunteer chaplain at the local prison. Your book In His Image (you wrote with Dr. Paul Brand) sits here on my desk as I try to wrap my mind around the Imago Dei and what it means to being the likeness of God. After reading about the ones who inspired you so much, I felt strongly that I must tell you that YOU are one of the people that has inspired me and changed my way of thinking about many, many things. You are in the middle, appreciating some parts but not others. Within weeks the Lord had me to get sober in AA in Los Angeles. [2] He is published by Hachette, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, InterVarsity Press, and Penguin Random House. 3. 0. what bible college did philip yancey attend. After boarding in Denver to return to Charleston SC via Charlotte, I settled down for the flight, started on my orange juice and began reading your book. Jesus tells me to love others, to seek out the marginal, to not be a respecter of persons, and to seek His will because this is not our home and we have to make a difference while we can. Church, Why Bother? Many people are being diagnosed with various mental disorders (for lack of a better term) that can interfere with their Christian walk. Nobody was saying a word and looked hopeless. I was recently bombarded with advertisements, all over social networks, for a book of yours The Question That Never Goes Away. I read an article recently about cold calling your heroes so here I am. And the One from whose hand we have equally received will not allow me to stand close while my heart is far away. I dont know where your friend got that quote about church. God can and will transform our suffering. I have seen an outpouring of grief, compassion, and generosity not blind, pitiless indifference.Ive seen demonstrated a deep belief that the people who died mattered, that something of inestimable worth was snuffed out on December 14. How dare he say that non-believers, and in his case, non-Christians do not pour out compassion and generosity? Thank you so very much. Signed Stuck, Dear Stuck, I am hesitant to answer because the Internet has changed the rules and the game. We visited each other in our homes in Canada and the United States, and in 1995, with the assistance CSC, the three of us organized a COPE conference in Edmonton for 300 people from across Canada. I have just had my first article published online with CT, but as I think about writing more for the church, I see how the different parts of the church are speaking different languages. When one of the young boys came forward, this priest, who had a son in the EPS, was directed to work somewhere else. Mourning and dancing touch each otherthis is a beautiful concept, straight out of the Bible, of course. I wish I could help, Mariana, but its impossible for me to send an e-book to another country. Yes! or request blog subscription, So Ill leave that stuff up to God. I can only hope your words are as ministering to them as they are to me. However, by doing so, I have made many enemies among those in authority, including priests, church lay leaders and CSC officials. But Christianity is completely the opposite. Thank you so much for your writing and for your soul exposing honesty. But by your message today, I found Hope in our country. I purchased my first copy about 18 years ago and have since blessed others with copies too. I was told yes, I could. Dear Philip, Thank you for writing What is so Amazing About Grace! As a 63-year-old Christian, I have been stirred by the topic of grace for the past 3 to 4 years. Here I was, trying to listen to the V and C guard in charge, and she was shouting. Upon arrival at the Edmonton Institution I was met by a Mrs. Cunningham, but not the Assistant Warden of Intervention (AWI). We could talk over details, but I appreciate the broad sweep of what youre saying. Hillery, or as I call her, Hitlery, has proven over the years to be very anti- Christian . AWI Brad Sass was shocked by the news of my dismissal, and said that it would not have happened if he was at Edmonton Institution. But I dismissed it as an oddity. My request is this, of all the aspects of grace your book covers and the hundreds of illustrations it contains, can you suggest a couple sections of the book that you might focus on if you were speaking to a group of men about grace? Yet the cultural patterns you mention are certainly true. My worry was needless. christie street animal hospital. The Bible ways what it says, I figured. My prayer is that the Lord fashion a way for us to meet during our ministry tour. If I talk to someone on the phone I picture their house or what they looked like last time I saw them. I ve had a few challenges came to know Christ, personally as an adult, husband in prison, later he died of alcoholism, mental illness in my family, yet steadfast in my own life to earn a doctorate and am now associate professor emeritus at a large regional university. Sometimes, I feel I am serious legalist, especially, when I become slave of small plans and lists. If I recall correctly, I wrote a paper on the kingdom of God which received positive feedback. Thank you. Through all the changes in my faith and life I am still moved by it. Thank you for being part of that process. Now I am 68yrs old, retired nurse and creative therapist: my husband a clergyman, divorced 17yrs ago but remarried to the same man(!) Hi Mr. Yancey, Two of my volunteers were present in my office at the time of this conversation, and one of them overheard my comments [34]. When I first came to the Edmonton Institution I asked a Visits and Correspondence (V and C) guard if I could put stamps on sympathy cards on behalf of prisoners who had no money for cards and stamps, and if I could give the cards to V and C for mailing. (Wish I could post the pic) This is my 3rd time reading Rumors. The Sympathy Cards You each speak to the same truth from different directions and style and I am a lifetime reader of something every day. Then I drastically switched during the following 26 years by opening my heart and soul to the Holy Spirit and praying on the daily. He welcomes your prayers. Im very grateful for your books. Id like to explore perspectives on faith with one or both of the Obamas, though theyd be tough to get to. When I first read Disappointment With God, I hid the cover of it when I was reading on the subway or in public, scared people would get the wrong idea about me. Im now reading The Jesus I never new and having my eyes opened! Judaism is so cut and dry. Chaplains Pauls father, as I understand, suffered from a form of mental illness that included expressions of anger and rage. While I stood in line to pay the bill, I observed a gentleman in a very worn and dirty signature suit. Pray for people of good will to reach out to their neighbors and friends. At age 83, you can understand the length of my stubborn quest. Yes, labels is confusing because I know a Evangelical Christian author who also does not believe in literal hell and Book of Revelation should be in the Holy Bible, those are strong Progressive things. Thats a great question, and there are entire books written in answer. When I said yes, he told me to put it back on and be our chaplain. I like to think of Mark 14:50/51, and that after the disciples fled a young man of dubious sexuality was still there defending Jesus. Chiara Lubich gave me huge insight into how to live my life and she has and is still a huge inspiration to me however, God is great, because your book somehow showed me what we all need and that we are surrounded by grace and are surprised by grace. He refused to give such inmates Kosher diets. Did not one parent pray before their child left for school, God protect my child? Did not one child themselves pray, God protect me? How can you possibly say to a Newtown parent, Yes! It has taught me so much about how to look at other people and to think of things outside of me and my control. At the group home where I stay, people say I pick up diseases from these ladies, because I developed a mystery physical illness some years ago, complete with black skin sores and blocked urinary tract! If thats not what you have done, then you are truly genius!! She is a nurse by profession, an agnostic and questions the existence of God. But writing these books has also helped Yancey deal with his own crisis of faith, which he experienced in a family saga of death, poverty and toxic fundamentalism. I identify so well with what you write. However, consider this summation but from a secular perspective: 1. I realize it has been several years since this book was written, so I am hoping things have changed for him? This is so well-expressed. Forgive me if I am mistaken. You confirm my suspicions. I followed this direction, with help from friends. It is so refreshing in our evangelical faith to have a Biblical perspective on pain and suffering. I am a retired pastor, working on a book of my own, where God has clearly intervened in my life time and again, and yet some days I wake up in a dark place, like you have described. Any teaching manuals would also be great. I cant see it. It was answered 53 days later, but only after Prosecutor Peter delivered a blistering indictment upon the Jewish crowd, confronting them with their heinous crime and causing them to be cut to the heart. One thing that kept me going was my hope that Paul would not be around much longer. Nunnally, a professor of Hebrew and early Judaism made this statement. I knew he loved every one of them as if they were his own. And how insignificant we really all are, but then how fortunate we are to have this body and to be able to enjoy loving here amongst the beauty of the Earth itself. Jim Lovell, Apollo 8 & 13, It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. When I wouldnt resign the Phychologist wrote my resignation. May you continue to experience joy in serving. This comment stuns me, and warms my heart, Janine. Actually, his views on abortion have been very mixed over the years, so I wouldnt count on it Philip, An article in CP politics has you wondering about voting for Donald Trump for pres. I do not want excusesIf he loves me why wont he just answer in a way that will change me? Puzzled why mens faith lies impotent in a paper tiger called Christianity, The Trojan Horse now masquerades as the Church, in a great edifice I really resonated with the sermon portion about India. God bless. Like all man-made religions, it is the untruth people are used to We only have 2 choices. However, this did not get me down but made me realize I had received grace. Philip. Hoping to have a second career, helping people receive freedom in a life with Christ. Better to read it at the seashore with sunglasses and a drink of lemonade in your hand. in it you state that the High Priest wore a rope around his waist and bells when he entered the Holy of Holies. I hope that none of my readers is that grotesque anomaly an unchurched Christian-for the New Testament knows nothing of such a monster! This really upset me. It was your book that I had ordered for no particular reason. We began to talk about discipleship, and I knew I had found the more. Beginning to attend his church, we talked about the forming Deacon body, and I felt called to that. Thank you for the encouragementand keep reading! Until then, I keep you and yours in my prayers: may you persevere the race marked out for us! Then, when my conscience would not let me do so, I was verbally, physically and sexually assaulted. She treated me so badly that after 3 months of hell I finally ran away and headed back to Canada, she called every christian organization along the greyhound route to Canada and warned them about me a gay . The Chronicles of Narnia ~ C.S. According to Brad, Paul later changed his mind because he had difficulty finding another job and needed the money. I see it as parallel to what a parent feels when a child learns to walk, or choose well, or loves. Gratefully, Philip, For the first time in my 40 uears as a Christian, I am able to give Christian books to non-Christians. As you know, Dr. Heater, there are many, many people out there who were damaged by the church or its institutions. [jdb], Thank you for your books, your deep and honest writing and willingness to tackle the tough questions. I cannot agree with the premise of mutual exclusivity between Gods sovereignty and Gods love. + The Jesus I Never Knew Kevin, the Kitchen Manager at the Edmonton Institution, also had a big issue with Jewish inmates. We read through Reaching for the Invisible God. He shook my hand, and said twice said, Father Richard you are a good man.. She even complained to Threshold Ministries that I was trying to destroy her job. Born 1960, in Nyack, NY; son of a teacher and an artist; married June, 2002; wife's name, Audrey. Dear Sirs, I hope that somehow you are graced with a direct relationship with God, unmediated by those who may try to maneuver or manipulate. Thank you for sharing your heart, your struggles, the struggles of others and your faith. As I searched for other texts to read on the subject (Christology) I found books only written in a bit of a heady fashion. I have been blessed so many times by your books and have read them all. My study, discussion and work intensified. It touched me deeply. The Bible assures us that we will find Him when we seek Him with our hearts. I was listening to the April 13th devotional from your Grace Notes. The larger question is that God does not forgive US without our asking for forgiveness and repentance. Everything was spelled out in black and white. Our ultimate goal is to be resurrected and live in Gods Kingdom on earth (remember the Lords prayer Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. I was just wondering what your thinking is on this? Philip. What God has meant for me to have will never go to anyone else and even if I happen to lose something that was meant for me, I will get it back eventually because it was mine to begin with. And actually, Im not very expressive facially myself, so Im glad that when I speak, not everyone in the audience responds like me. says? A great experience! I am in leadership at Church, people come to me for comfort, counsel or prayer but I am in a dry hot desert now. These are most helpful comments, and I learn from them. I became the western representative of COPE, while Monty was its eastern representative. In short, you are better than that, Mr. Yancey, and I hurt for you because you do not seem to want to admit it. I have not heard that criticism before, so I must (accurate, in this case) look into that. Thank you for your life and your writing! My partnership with Dr. Paul Brand was transformative for me. At least, I hope we are. I was told to sell my condo and move east, which I did. He told inappropiate gay put down jokes at church meetings . I very much appreciate your books, your insights, your stories of others & your own. The book is eloquently written so its still delightful to reread the same page for 10 times. Of course were all sick, were all sinners, and your last paragraph expresses it well. Im a writer from Spain. They called her horrible names. Though, like our Lord, we must grow hearts full of forgiveness, we do not extend it to those who have hurt (or, even, harmed) us until these people are first blessed by guilt. Your sorrow has been used to comfort so many of us. Hi Mr. Yancey, I was washed with comfort. It offers a glimpse of what millions of people may be going through right now, in the midst of this pandemic. After the Wedding, Word Inc. (Waco, TX), 1976. At the same time, it seems all I am accomplishing is to become more aware of my ungrace. Growing up in an evangelical home centered on ministry service Ive come away with gratefulness for being introduced to Jesus at a young age and yet as an adult woman, have needed to untangle many threads of what beliefs were founded on Jesus and what were from cultural Christianity. If nothing else could you please pray I could be more of worth to my family and God would help with my depression and chronic pain. I was amazed at the odds of meeting his wife in a park where she does not even live, the same week as he took my couch. I am 74 and realize I should have to talked to them and listened to them. I was overwhelmed with tears and moved to prayer. I explained to her how I ordered the book, not knowing who I was going to give it to for Christmas, but all things considered it sure did seem as though God wanted her to have it. I am currently on the third book of yours that I have read and find myself thinking deeper than ever while I take in your words. Brand & I was blown away. I was raised much the way you were and heard constantly that a Chrisitans hope was to saved and go to heaven. I have given so many copies of that book out, I have lost count. I really was taken back by what you said about skirt lengths and hair length etc. And yet, my desire to help others comes directly from the Bible. The Regional Rep for Church Army Capt. Best-selling author and 1970 Columbia International University alumnus Philip Yancey often recounts tales of his time at CIU: how he met his wife, Janet; how his fellow students went on to do powerful ministry around the world; and even how he began a relationship with God during his time at CIU. (With Tim Stafford) Unhappy Secrets of the Christian Life, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1979. We both grew up in fundamental churches and experienced some of the unfortunate aspects of that that you did. What a beautiful spirit you show! When you quote Schaeffer as saying that few here questioned the assumption that persons are created in the image of God.. it is difficult to get others to see that people like Schaeffer really mean white people are created in the image of God. Before I learned about you, I sometimes wondered if there was anyone that asked the questions I asked, or saw the issues that I saw. Therefore, my church attendance has been pretty erratic and, at the moment, I find it hard to go at all. But I try to show Gods grace to others. I do not find comfort in a God that hides. A lot of Christians grew up learning that if you quoted a Bible verse, that was enough. I yearned for more, not knowing what more meant. I live in Germany and have been reading your books. I want to thank you sincerely and hope you always keep on writing! When God closed one door, and He seemed did not open the other doors, my wife and I were very thankful, because we could see the windows were wide open for us to see His miracle and unfailing love through friends, church and families. Where DID that expression come from?) Can you help me to send your e book ? So I am wondering if there is some kind of a generic guide you can point us to, questions to ask while we read the weekly chapters and for discussion when we meet? What questions would be in the minds of that community. I cannot remember in what order I read the next two, Whats so Amazing About Grace and Disappointment With God, but wow what a profound impact those two books have had on my life. Your writing is incredibly thought-provoking. I deliberately do not take a position on many of the issues, although you can read some of my thoughts on the topic by clicking on the Q&A/Homosexuality button on this website. I have been struggling mightily with the New Testament worldview of demons as opposed to our modern worldview. Upon my arrival I was told that there was no position for me. Say what you will, but there is no concrete example against the fact that he is allowing his children to suffer. But, all that was needed was the required wider exit. I was wondering if you did any consulting and, if so, information on your rates.