"Captain, I hereby bestow upon you the order of leading my forces in the assault on Canterlot, and any other town or villages I decide to conquer. Like Twilight, Spike and Cadance before me, I find it hard to comprehend how you, along with Shining and the Element Bearers can dismiss the impostor's attitude as mere stress. The reason he left lay largely with popular choice, and that was to just leave Twilight to think about what she had done. "She..she did what?" Following behind him was a sight that made the group tense up nervously. Thus she knew what she needed to do. I did it because I was left no choice. Twilight then tried to confront the impostor openly, but the impostor pretended to cry so as to maintain her cover. She made a difference in Twilight when she forgot about friendship after becoming Princess Celestias star protge and you took her love for you for granted. ", "I failed the Element of Generosity because I was not generous enough to show you that I still cared about you." "Snake, this is Lieutenant Blade. "Princess, you are aware Twilight isn't exactly innocent of her crimes either?" With that, Twilight galloped back upstairs, utterly offended. She wondered what could be so important that the Princess needed to speak to her personally. For all intents and purposes, this felt like an interrogation, and probably the most painful and harrowing encounter she had to deal with yet. Takes place during A Canterlot Wedding. The first step will be to attack the Hive, and therefore we must set up a home defence. With that, Fang departed the throne room, but not before bowing to Chrysalis, who prepared to issue the day's final orders. Twilight was clearly still in anguish and self-pity. It bore one of her greatest and most nostalgic hallmarks; a caring, sympathetic smile. Well, when on that Nightmare Night I tried to connect with my subjects, it was Twilight who helped me to become more down-to-earth and kinder to my subjects than before. If no resolution could be reached, fighting could then begin. A small part of the pink alicorn was disappointed about the lack of a hoofshake, but it was completely understandable. "If it helps, none of us wanted Twilight to die. "But Princess, we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Now, he felt like the world's worst brother. Spike looked up to see Twilight, her face as blank as stone. "So Sugarcube, will y'have us as friends again?". Spike, on the other hand, wasn't as troubled by the recent events of his life, but he certainly did still regret abandoning Twilight, and from the point where he was forgiven, he swore to himself that he would never leave her again. The Changeling Queen later returned to dispose of her by sealing her in the caves beneath the castle, so as to ensure she would not meddle with her plans again. As you know, we had received word of a threat against Canterlot, which turned out to be true and more effective than we believed. I wasn't comfortable with leaving her, but I didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either! Aunt Celestia asked me to tell you that if you wish to seek a private audience with her, you are more than welcome to do so. ", "Anytime darling. It wasn't long before they reached the bridge that crossed into the treacherous woodland. The girls fell into an uneasy silence. ", "You too Cady, thanks for coming. After all, she recalled the birthday party in Canterlot Castle where Twilight was quite pleased with the dress which Rarity had not even half-finished. The former was pleased to see her, but also equally worried. Deadpanned Applejack. Something snapped in Velvet's mind, and at once the unicorn bowed before the slightly bemused Luna. How are we going to deal with them? "We are Twilight's friends! Remember, I'll be staying in Carousel Boutique while I'm here, so if you ever need me, I'm here for you. That wasn't the reason she was here. Shining replied grimly. "Yes Aunt Celestia. "Thank you General." The unicorn mare, bearing a mane almost similar to Twilight's, raced to the door to greet her son. I'll never leave you Twily" Said Cadance soothingly. I have to go and find Twilight. "Equestria becomes defenseless." Added Shining, the proverbial dots joining together as he spoke. That is what Shining told us when he came here, and it is the reason Velvet and I are so furious. They were perfectly content to leave me to fade out of existence like I was nothing to them, and then, after risking my neck once more to save both you, them and Equestria, they expect me to put together the wedding?! I believe that Twilight's parents should be informed of these events as soon as you are finished.". The dreadful events of the rehearsal were still eating away at her heart, not least that of Shining or any of the other parties involved in the fiasco. Twilight's brother and Celestia also walked out on her, which left her emotionally devastated. Twilight could have stopped the Changelings from wreaking havoc, but she was never given the chance! Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. She smiled at him warmly. ", "You were thinking about what had happened, weren't you?". The hour is nigh. ", "Is that so?" As it stands, we have done enough already. Ah' did apologize to Twilight, twice! How could they simply leave her hurt and alone after everything she had done for them? We'll let you in, but they are not allowed on this property!" ", "But they shouldn't be here in the first place Cadance! The walls, floor and roof were cast marble, a red carpet stretching from the door to Celestia's bed, equally an impressive sight as the room itself. Cadance was focused mostly on how Twilight was going to feel seeing the girls again. "Your Majesty, we have created a new plan formed from the coordinates of the previous assault on Canterlot." "Luna, guards, I wish to talk with Captain Armor alone. "It's as simple as that. Twilight barged into the rehearsal and accused..well, you, of being evil with no proof to back up her claim. How could you walk out on your best friend like that?! "I'll go and get Twilight. The only question that lingered, however, was how long would that loyalty last? "I understand your grief completely now, Sir Light and Lady Velvet, but while I empathize with your plight, I am not here to promise swift vengeance. Added Maugrim. Still, that is not the reason you summoned me.". I understand why you are upset.". It was my pride!that made me betray you Sugarcube. Only Rarity found the courage to say anything, but even she knew it would be feeble. ", "It's OK Applejack." Aside from that, there's nothing else to report. It worked to dreadful effect; Shining disowned Twilight as a sister and Best Mare, all five of her friends walked out on her and even Celestia showed no compassion. Spike barked firmly. Taking a deep breath, Spike proceeded to talk. ", "You have nothing to be sorry for my dear sister. Spike bowed his head, fearing whatever reaction he'd get from Twilight. ", "If it is any help Rainbow, I would advise you do not beat around the bush with her. There was silence, and for a time, nothing seemed to be happening. "I understand you are both angry because of a recent incident involving your son and daughter, plus her friends and my sister. Not the sort of difficult where Shining could not recall Night's exact words, but the sort of difficult where emotions and mentality were concerned. "Everypony calm down!" With that, Snake turned his attention to Icy Tone, who was comfortably hidden in the brush behind him. Growled the commandant in annoyance. The worst of it was from Celestia, whom Twilight idolised and worshipped even as a foal. They had the matter well in hoof anyway, or so Applejack's pride, stubborn as ever, was trying to convince her. Lesson Zero was the first thing that came into their minds, a testament to the weight of their collective failure. Rainbow tried going after him, but Applejack raised a hoof to stop her; it was best that they did not disturb either Spike or Twilight at this time. Barked Chrysalis. Trust me girls, I've known Twilight for a long, long time. Anyway, the three ponies seated themselves in the living room, both Night and Velvet bracing themselves for whatever Luna had to say. Silence fell over the room once more. "Now, the spell should protect you from any attempt at intrusion by the Nightmare Forces. Shining couldn't keep it together anymore and slowly wept. After Twilight is abandoned by everypony she trusts, Maleficent makes the poor, depressed mare complete her curse. Once you finish breakfast, you had better go and fix this mess, understand?". What do you mean Canterlot nearly fell?! As quietly as she could, she made her way back to her bedroom. Do you have any idea what would have happened to me if..". said the recomposed Night Light. ", "But that's the problem Princess." By: Black Kyurem. Night moved closer to his wife, who leaned close to him in response. The aura around the room and the three ponies inside it shattered to pieces like a sonic boom. I will ensure that the Sparkle parents do find peace, or may I be damned to Tartarus for my failure.". Come with me.". The only thing she cared about was how Twilight had provided her the perfect setup to launch a perfect, foolproof and failsafe assault on Canterlot. "But goodness me, you look terrible. With that, Spike went back inside, the doors closing behind him. Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic By: VickyT36. Still, her mindset was very much like Spike's; it remained to be seen if the Mane 5 regretted their actions at all, therefore now was the time to prove it. But the past is the past. "Applejack, you should know it's too early for me to forgive you. Ever since that Nightmare Night when Twilight restored her relationship with the citizens of Ponyville, Luna knew and recognized the fact that Twilight was nothing short of respectable, honorable and a true friend, deserving of everything she had achieved to this point. "Indeed we are Princess." In your disguise, try to look panicked and terrified. From the shock she felt when Shining disproved everything she thought she knew about Fake Cadance before stripping her of the role of Best Mare and even the privilege of being at the wedding, to the horror and abandonment she felt when all five of her friends, even Spike, walked out on her with their eyes closed and their faces morphed into indignant frowns, to the utter pain and heartbreak she felt when Celestia stabbed her with a verbal dagger. Their disguises were as solid as their nerves. ", "Ok Twilight." It was a plan she was very much impressed with. What I'm asking is if you know Twilight did something wrong as well?". With a sigh, she chose to come clean. My Little Pony and all of its characters are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. Chapter 4 - Scathing Criticism, Undying Regret, Chapter 5 - Actions Speak Louder Than Words. The train had now reached the midway point on its journey and yet, Twilight still did not feel at peace. Sorry I'm late. ", "I got called into a meetin' with Granny Smith and Big Mac. ", "But that wasn't your niece. With a new school, town, and friends, it's an adventure waiting to . "Prepare yourselves.". Maugrim! Chrysalis would have revealed her deception and conquered the city in one swift stroke, and the blood of thousands of innocent ponies would have been on our hooves. On the other hoof, the levels of disbelief grew for both Night and Velvet as they took in every little bit of Shining's story. ", "Your Majesty, the word "failure" does not exist in my vocabulary. From her bedroom, the unicorn could be heard sobbing. She then smiled and clenched an eye as a red Spartan came into view on the river. They had to try again, but it was just a matter of how. by | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues Disguise yourselves and your men, and we will go hide somewhere nopony will find us. That was when the two elder Apples understood Applejack's point. Unnerved, but not visibly so, Shining decided to make an announcement to his officers. Only the Creator knows where they are right now." Please calm down! Despite this, Cadance continued to console the distraught unicorn with all the love she had to give and more. "That's the Changeling Queen's name, and it sounds every bit as evil as she is." Their mistake, which deserved a big fat mark of shame. Whatever perils lay inside did little to faze the nerves of the Changelings. The girls are sorry and they wish to apologise to Twilight personally!". Why did you all push her aside for your own wedding and Cadence? May I come in?" Could you explain the basics of what happened?". They were all suffering equally as bad as she was, and thus they had to be there for each other and for Twilight especially. Unfortunately, in his haste to leave, he wasn't prepared for what came next. I need you to answer some questions pertaining to the wedding. Before long, Applejack had managed to pull herself together. She was still very ticked off at the Mane 5, not just because they were invading her space, but also because she couldn't trust them to walk out on her again. But now, the teacher who had taught her student so much about magic and friendship simply walks out on her, as did her brother and friends when all she was trying to do was save them from a terrible fate? Maugrim added jubilantly. "The next part is much worse, and it is dreadful to even contemplate. With a sigh, she continued onward to Sugarcube Corner. Meanwhile, Pinkie had also just woken up. "No Rainbow!" Said Alkaios. "Now, about these underground tunnels, I think it would be most helpful if a lot of ponies in Canterlot knew about them. The battle was ferocious. One did not, and that was Rarity. Cadance called out, hoping to hear from either the lavender unicorn or the baby dragon. After a while, she grinned confidently, settling Barbarousis's nerves. I need you, however, to talk to Twilight. Meanwhile, Applejack was still trying to comprehend Twilight's revelation that their actions had put her life, as well as the lives of several thousand ponies including their own in danger. Twilight was somewhere out there, hurt, alone, and for all he knew, lost. Meanwhile, Princess Luna had flown out from Canterlot Castle to the home of Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Leading the Earth ponies was Commander Barbarousis. The reason was obvious; Twilight would be welcoming to everypony else but her former friends, her Big Brother Former Best Friend Forever and as of late, her former teacher. This was General Skoula, and his physical form was as intimidating and dominating as his reputation among even his own men. Celestia wanted to personally tell Night Light and Twilight Velvet that she, Shining and her students friends are all sorry for what they did to Twilight and assure them of their rekindled friendships as soon as possible, but the chances of their blessings and for the chat were slim. "We're waiting for Applejack and Princess Cadance. Cadance sighed deeply. And as for you, you walked out on her too! As she began pushing down the right trigger using her magic, there were three knocks on the door. Back at the library, Twilight's sobs were beginning to slow. Instead, she opted for a conciliatory defeat. Just then, Cadance walked into the bakery. "Cadance, is there anything else you wish to tell me?". "Lieutenant Fang, let it be known that this operation will be enacted on a size and scale greater than that of the first. "Cadance and Twilight were so close that they did everything together, even the hoofshake. Prepare the prisoners for their rehabilitation.". Also, we didn't just walk out on her. Asked Velvet curiously. It was because of this her mind was made up already. She loved them all very dearly, which explained the great pain she was feeling. You will also find me your finest spy. She considered herself a hypocrite for having taught Twilight all those lessons about friendship and magic, only to show nothing by herself. In the last invasion, Chrysalis tried employing a policy wherein her troops would not kill, even those who fought against them. You're no fool. "And just how did all y'all betray Twilight?" What you are about to hear is top secret, and absolutely nopony can know of it.". The other Bearers, accompanied by the Princess of Love now seek to repair relations with the Bearer of Magic, in hopes of the restoration of the Elements of Harmony to action. ", "It wasn't just you that betrayed our friendship Applejack." "Yeah. I need to check with Twilight. It won't go away. According to intelligence that was given to me just this very moment, I believe the Changelings are planning a revenge assault on the city. She tried alerting her friends to the impostor's cold and condescending behaviour, compared to Cadance's warmth and benevolence. Believe me, I spent a lot of time with her when she was a filly, and she would never do something like that without good reason. Y'all have brought shame to our family something fierce. They did not know that Twilight, too, had something to apologize for. As for Spike, he was very much pushed to his limits here. "Come on in Cady. Unbeknownst to them, a Changeling disguised as a tanned yellow pegasus stallion, replete with a brown mane and tail had walked into town, and was quietly observing them. For now it was just Twilight, huddled in a warm embrace with those she loved and held dear. In the background, Black Blade had returned with one of the best spies in the army, Snake Bite. Cookies Spike gently stepped inside, with intent to repent. Shining Armor, in particular, was taking this harder than the others. "Excellent." Helping the unicorn to dry her eyes, Spike stood back as Twilight returned to her hooves. The Princess requests a moment alone with the captain.". It was still clear within the depths of her mind; how harsh her brother was toward her, and how her so-called friends thought it right to walk out on her with no sign of pity or consolation. With another sniffle, Celestia recalled what she had sent Shining out to do. It's Cadance! It wasn't long before Chrysalis reached her throne room, where Captain Black Blade, one of the many mid-ranked officers in the Changeling Army was waiting for her, along with her royal guard. Speaking of the latter, Celestia was wondering, on a side note, where she was during the Changeling invasion. I am her number one assistant, and one of the few loyal friends she still has. Following an unbridled facehoof, Rarity used her magic to lift Rainbow out of the mudhole and brought her inside Sugarcube Corner. "Without Twilight, the Elements become useless!". How she, out of her friends, her brother and her mentor was the only one to notice the glints of Chrysalis's evil under the shroud of her poorly rehearsed masquerade, how helpless and shocked she felt when Chrysalis brainwashed Shining, how little her friends took her seriously when she tried to tell them her concerns about the impostor, how hurt and betrayed she felt when they walked out on her, following her brother to comfort a pony who was completely undeserving of any sympathy, regardless of the crocodile tears she shed, how lost everything seemed when Celestia was defeated and she and her friends were captured before they could reach the Elements of Harmony, and how justified she felt after Chrysalis was beaten. Also, we did not know it at the time, but their leader, Queen Chrysalis, had managed to somehow infiltrate the city, taking the place of the bride after locking her in the Canterlot Caves.". Meanwhile, Cadance and the Mane 5 had arrived at Golden Oaks Library, only to find the tall but humble treehouse shut up tight and covered by a large shield, which Cadance was quick to recognize as a spell cast by Twilight to keep out any unwelcome visitors, namely her former best friends. "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? If Spike could tell she was still conflicted with the events of the wedding, then there was no hope of hiding it. Rarity was the only one who was sleeping the easiest of them all, but only because she had managed to maintain her composure. They now recognize that they made a terrible mistake and they wish to make amends however possible.". Marching up to the doors, still wearing his ceremonial Mareish Guards dress, Shining motioned to four of the eight throne room guards standing before him. Everything we had been through together, all those friendship lessons we had learned, we threw them out the window as if they were trash. "You have not seen the last of me Celestia! I can't help it. "What's going on here!? I wasn't going to let them go, so I chose to betray my best friend in favour of a bug. Oh, and by the way Twilight. It was because of him that the most recent events of the day transpired, and it wasn't just any old day. Whatever this was, they hoped it wouldn't be of any discomfort. Rarity had awoken from her sleep, groggy but quite well-rested. "All I cared about at that point was being a bridesmaid, and the added honour of mingling with Canterlot's nobility. If that wasn't enough, Princess Celestia, your benevolent sister and the object of Twilight's idolisation and inspiration, did not even look her in the eye when she crushed her spirit. The wedding hall was one of those scenes at the present time: the picture of purest sadness. ", "Of course they do Twilight, that's why they're here. "Welcome back my Queen" Hissed Blade. All she was doing was trying to save your high and mighty flank from getting beat by the Changelings, and THAT is how you repay her?! "Which is why I suggest we hide in the Everfree Forest. Additionally, I have information you may want to hear.". This was made worse with the memories of Fake Cadance sending her into the depths of the Canterlot Caves through a ring of burning green flames, followed by the former taunting Twilight about how nopony would think to look for her, considering nopony even knew the caves existed, and topping all of this was the memory of Twilight finding the real Cadance. However, that mattered little now, as she too was about to receive the brunt of Spike's fury. 19. r/mylittlepony 12 days ago. "Shut up Spark!" To make matters worse, she was the Element of Honesty (or rather, the FORMER Element of Honesty) and therefore she couldn't tell a lie. For now, shes a 5 speed v6, but eventually will be LS swapped with a single turbo. The aura she was sensing was undeniably strong, and bitter in feeling. It was as if time had stopped completely, the pain and trauma of the world melted by the warmth of Fluttershy's kindness. Just make sure you knock before entering.". "This shield spell contains traces of Twilight's anger, hence it's dark coloring" Said Cadance grimly. "The poor mare must be a mess in there.". I have to be elsewhere, so I must make my stay here as brief as possible. Said Cadance firmly. But when it was my turn to wake..they were nowhere to be found. ", "No Rarity, I haven't forgotten, but let me ask you this. Answered Pinkie, her voice, for once, devoid of any jubilance. Celestia smiled responsively. "Guards, let's go. Just gimme a second." "What is the matter dear sister? After throwing the doors open and shut with her magic, the lavender unicorn threw herself on her bed, crying every fibre of her pain out of her. A battle was on the rise, but before the already present hostilities could escalate, the two sides stopped just metres from each other. After pulling herself together, Celestia took a moment to compose herself before speaking. Then, there was an explosion; the spell was completed. We're going home, considering I'm not welcome here anymore.". And don't come back unless you want to be my friends again!". "At ease." At first, the baby dragon did nothing, but then, in the corner of her eye Applejack spotted Spike's hands curl into fists, fueled by his disgust, anger and frustration. Shining stopped dead in his tracks, the equivalent of a spear slamming into his heart. She had a job to do, and that was to ensure the Nightmare Forces could not corrupt the souls of Night Light and Twilight Velvet, who had suffered enough just to know not only was their daughter betrayed and treated like a common criminal, but she could very well have died in an unmarked tomb which nopony even knew of. Applejack retorted. family zodiac compatibility chart; lakefront property for sale vernon, bc; shangela and alyssa edwards look alike; east bay regional parks list; ihealth company stock You will also be in charge of drilling. Luckily, Twilight's timely appearance, with Cadance in tow, blew her cover. With that, the war room returned to its usual activity. You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. "Very well" Replied Cadance. But for now, the three leaders were to help Skoula in planning the attack on the city, before it could be presented to the Queen. I will run Canterlot into the ground, even if it takes my life.". Pinkie's mouth was immediately sealed shut by the force of four hooves desperate to stop her from making things worse. The Mane 5, with Cadance in tow, entered the main room of the library. The Lunar Princess knocked on the door, Twilight Velvet wasting no time in answering. What greeted the Guard Captain was a sight he had seen often enough, but still awe-inspiring in it's visage. "General Skoula, I have just come up with an idea which could supplement our forces and bolster the success of the assault on Canterlot. With that, Spike began packing his things. The rookie's comment was met with a slap to the head by his commandant. He glanced up ever so slightly to look at her, but quickly looked back down too ashamed to look her in the eye. The price you paid was one which I know very well caused you immense grief. This was the latter's ultimate redemption. Twilight Sparkle grapples with her conflicted feelings when she finds out her brother, Shining Armor, is marrying Princess Celestia's niece, Princess Cadance. To Luna, that was both an outrage and a major injustice to the lavender unicorn, who had done so much for not only Equestria, but for them both. My sister needs me.". Now that she had a man in charge of drilling and equipment, she needed somepony to command the home defense. Could this be the most important moment in our lives? "I can remember spending most of the night cr-". Rainbow added. The minutes passed by, and eventually the balcony doors re-opened, Spike emerging from them once more. ", "I know Dad", sighed Shining. It's been tough on all of us. ", "Very well. Fortunately, he wouldn't have to ask. "Very well. All you need to do is think of a Plan B, something that can make and have Twilight understand how sorry you really are. With that, Luna spread her wings, before flying off into the distance. I want my new Changelings to be equipped with the finest armours and weapons my blacksmiths can forge. It was clear what she had planned now that she'd taken her revenge on Twilight; for straight ahead, perched on the side of the mountains and lit by the evening sun, was the capitol city: Canterlot. "Uhh, Pinkie, that isn't entirely the case". What are we going to tell Twilight?" "Surrender now and you will not be harmed.". They were supposed to have learned their lesson after the incident they dubbed as "Lesson Zero", but in truth, they had learned nothing. Did they really have the matter under control, or were they too caught up in the wedding to remember what was at stake? And if that isn't bad enough, ya did not even say sorry to Twilight. something they needed to rectify, and fast. Applejack barked angrily. How could you do such a thing?!
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