Actually, I've worked at keeping everything the same since it worked before and seems to be working OK now as well. Bridges missed three squats of 562 pounds. I couldn't sleep on the flight. Something like this should never have been overlookedEVER ! Sign up for our newsletter and get new articles sent straight to your inbox weekly. John Gamble! When joining the IPF the USAPL agreed to follow the rules in place, not some of them or just the ones we like etc. Lou: There were other super stars from England. Larry: We had a great team back then and I will always look back to the early days without so much politics. Powerlifting had one federation, one national champion, Gaynor said. HOWEVER, if you're the meet director and you're running an IPF qualifier with potential world records, YOU are responsible for making sure the bar is good. Records should not have to be sacrificed because of this. I started training at Bob Matzs gym in Toledo, Ohio, with George Crawford and Milt McKenzie, butwon world titles along with Larry.Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. So, as a powerlifter, if you stay in the same weight class but you lose 10 pounds of fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle, you can be tremendously stronger, because fat doesnt help you lift weight. Joe came alive within months with some lifting that is still admired today. Its also important to note that competitions use different weight-class systems. I seem to remember Mike Bridges getting stiffed on a squat at the USAPL Nationals in 2004. By the time they could react, I had fallen off the bench and went to feel my eye where the bar hit. I don't think I would even care if the IPF recognized it personally. wouldnt u think for a comp that big, that everything would be above board, regardless of what you think the rules should be? No one expects any more of you. C'mon. And there were no bench shirts until 1984, so his bench was raw as they say nowadays. Although he seldom works them, he has pressed 300lb from behind the neck and military pressed 325lb. I also know you were never cocky or arrogant, but totally confident and fun when I was around you. I re-vamped my training to train every area only once a week. He finally pulled out the pin and said it may never be straight again. But those accepting the pay of the sponsorship fees do not have to suffer with the bars, merely to take the money and thus approve themjust like at times platforms/stages at ipf worlds have sagged under the larger squatters, only to be considered "acceptable". It is the one meet I would EXPECT to see someone do a good record break! This will be different for different people as we are all genetically different as to how we age. Mike Bridges Multiple World Champion Weight Lifter Peoria, IL Mike is a World IPF Champion, IPF World Record Holder, 2008 Masters World Champion with 4 Gold Medals, and 2007 World Bench Press Gold Medalist. Just the fact that the TPB is 45lbs makes it not meet all requirements for use. Reply . What reports? My friend Arnold Coleman broke Mike's and Gene Bell's total record at the 2005 Arnold Classic. What happened? lift on, stay young, and live to enjoy it! And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. Multi Time World Champion. Mac Richards drove down and took Carol home. Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; DQ: USAPL: 2010-03-05: USA-OH: Con-Cret Raw Challenge: MR-M: 53: Raw: 90 [quote=mark roskell]its not the fault of the ipf, but the stuff up of the meet directors!!! This time I lowered it a bit faster. Cookie Notice I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight. Will Democrats Rally Behind President Biden In 2024? As for everyone saying ivanko bars are shit because they are so whippy you have to remember they were actually designed for weightlifting. True, Jack. I was the Meet Director for this event and I would like to put to rest this issue (if possible). [quote=Brian Mc][quote=Travis Werner]I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. There was a period when the IPF decided to do drug testing. LARRY PACIFICO "Mr. Powerlifting" set 54 world records in an 18-year career. ivanko bars suck. Well, the bar didn't cooperate. Wow. And some new research shows that they help you better activate the muscle, increasing strength.. Putt Houston. now with more Bom Chicka Wahwahhhhhh. DUMB, the man had spanking new Ivanko weights and ER rack on the platform, to think that the bar was his underminding the rules is plain stupid. One would have to see the 325lb. Most guys at the USAPL meet, on the other hand, tend to not do steroids, he said. Show Printable Version; 04-21-2012, 04:33 PM #1. But while he was doing amazing feats of strength, Larry also was always making a judge, Jerom Weiss, mad. Squat: 455kg/1003b they can't in other parts of the world hate to say it but mike is probably screwed on this and his own fed did it to him. on USA SOIL! Bars don't grow on trees, what would you have done in this situation? There I said it for you. Come on, guys.Mike LIFTED the f***ing weight! [/quote] [/quote] Squat: 395kg/870lb Why should IPF bend rules for 1 fed in its group rather than for another.(and since they only do that for rus or ukrwellthere's your answer). The problem was discovered on Thursday. Mike Bridges The Peoria Powerhouse as told to POWERLIFTING USA by Herb Glossbrenner Great Form from the beginning. Of course, it would be nave to assume that some lifters at tested events werent using PEDs. So, even if drugs arent in an athletes system, he might be lifting heavier because he used PEDs a few years ago. It can be said that in a way he is a carbon copy of Ed coan. When he first saw Vince hecould tell he had dropped down to 198,then he saw me all bulked up and ready for battle. Lou: You had a lot of lifters come stay with you such as Mike Bridges who you said was the strongest man under 200 pounds. And he held a special "women's gateway open" with lifters all breaking WR's TOO..WHERE WAS THIS MAN's BRAIN??? I got a shot under my left armpit and I didn't feel anything for three days in that arm (it's called an arm block). Reports have surfaced that the IPF will take those records from Bridges due to the fact that Texas Power Bars were used at the event instead of IPF approved equipment. it's not just Mike's!) well yeah they were legal when they kept the sponsorship fee up. It is one thing to beat someone by all those he beat, so we want to remember him too. Just a few years before, powerlifters had been using PEDs in low doses to help their muscles recover; maybe they gained a bit of an edge, but it wasnt overtly noticeable. Why is it so hard? Larry was the one getting all of the attention setting American records before World records were official. If he would choose to use the best gear of today, it would be crazy. In my opinion, it's a horrible situation all the way around. The world is blessed with FED ex overnight, next MORNING, [quote=Anonymous] Meshuggah. Let's hope they get confirmed soon. 1. not screwing up in front of the WORLD. From then on and into the 80s, Id estimate that about 85 percent of competitive American powerlifters at the national level were using something in massive doses to gain an edge: anabolic steroids, dianabol, testosterone.. Best Lifts: I tried to roll over but couldn't. Joe "The Lad" Ladnier Mississippi Monster, Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. Oh they won't have to erase the meet results, no. yea i was thinking about trying this because i want to compete eventually in single ply gear and natural. If possible, structure your training as follows: Mon - Bench day Weds -Deadlift day Fri - Squat day Day 1 (Monday) Bench day: My training put me at 835-580-800-2215. thanks Jeff Mumaw. I hope it wasnt 45lbs cos USAPL/IPF rules stipulate metric measures I went 760, 810, 832. Can you imagine a man that tiny hoisting a dead lift of nearly 600lb. He sewed the two pieces together temporarily while they made arrangements for me to meet a helicopter at the University of Dayton arena to fly me and my wife Carol to Louisville, Kentucky. On the morning before the meet we opened 2 brand new shipping tubes from an IPF approved manufacturer and they contained bars that did not have center knurling. Since the bar and collars must weight 25kg(55.115lbs) and the TPB and collars would weigh 56.023(25.4kg). One time while weighing in Larry was standing on one foot just to bug him. A 220 pounds, Joe squatted 837lb. Deadlift: 372.5kg/821lb. Quite simple and clear. Dans statue, not his weight, makes him unusual for the hings that he has done. Men (65+) 2022 open 28th Worldwide. Youve probably never heard of him, but hes one of the strongest men whos ever lived, and he was a powerlifting god in the early 1980s. JOHN INZER An elite lifter, Inzer invented the bench shirtsupportive equipment that allowed for bigger lifts. It was a beautiful day to drive, but once we got 50 miles away, Mac said we needed to pull over. Everyone knows that politics are stupid when it comes between a person and a hard earned accomplishment but if they let it stand then everyone will say "hey, what could have so-n-so done on a Texas Power bar instead of those whippy Ivankos?" This is the biggest USAPL meet of the year. What gives? Today, there are about eight larger federations and tens of smaller ones. squatting 804 lb. Now that is damning testimony if I have ever heard it. Terry Todd isn't merely the United States' first national powerlifting champion (in 1964 and '65), he was also the first man to total 1,600, 1,700, 1,800, and 1,900 pounds. Just lift it! No one ever say a word to him no matter what.The Conversation. I have seen a lot in 50 years as powerlifting has introduced me to all of my friends as well as most good and bad memories. As I'm now fast closing on 49 I find my biggest problem is not overtraining, but under-recovering. John in a way is like the great Doug Young, but stronger. That might not seem like much, but because these guys lift so much, it translates to between 30 and 344 pounds. Mike Bridges, age 50, captured multiple IPF Master's 2 (50+) World Records last weekend at the USAPL Men's Nationals. USAPL, was it "modified rules" which were in effect this time? Brand spankin new bar, just no center knurling. He went on to win seven national and three world titles. They had time to get another bar!!! Brand spankin new bar, just no center knurling. Although my preparation for the event was right on schedule to maximize my strength, I feel certain that the confidence that comes with improved body mechanics and alignment allowed me to turn on every ounce of strength I needed to set my 23rd world record. I was married three times.Lou: How many world records did you break in your illustrious career?Larry: 54Lou: I know you had rivals along the way. But just how much horsepower and torque do athletes gain? We know Larry was one of the greatest lifters of all time, but not much is known about many. And your team Power Elite with your lifters including Topsogov Studer. He bench pressed well over 400, squatter more than 700 and deadlifted close to that. Mike's. Bob Matz would judge meets and was down right scary to look at. Lee not only squatted 1003, but he has bench presses 617.4 to give him the highest subtotal in history of power lifting. I would ask Larry how to push up my bench and Larry would say to train my triceps because they are 75 percent of your bench. Squat: 365kg/804.69lb Being stubborn about that and thinking I'm too tough to change what I do will derail your progress sooner or laterso listen to what the body is telling you and work with it; not against it. Ed did one bodybuilding show as a teenager but he did not like the idea of losing weight, he wanted to become as big as possible. [/quote]The Ivanko bars were not used because they arrived from the manufacturer without center knurlings. 2023 Westside Barbell. Week 7: 4 x 4 (55% of 1-RM) Week 8: Deload (50% of 1-RM) Week 9: 4 x 3 (75% of 1-RM) Week 10: 3 x 2 (90% OF 1-RM) This is a basic program to allow you to progress quickly. Putt Houston. now with more Bom Chicka Wahwahhhhhh, Once inside and rolling, they put the piece of finger that came off in some of the ice and stuck it in my sweatshirt pocket. [quote=Anonymous]And squating without center knurling??? I would think you would have everything ready to go at least a week out. My total at around age 46 was just under 1700. Guess we will never know for sure since neither one of us heard it first hand. Wouldn't it still be a Masters National USAPL record? [quote=TheGymMuse] Size didnt mean anything to him. But, when you're not doing this program, feel free to use varying rep ranges if you feel you can handle it. Now, while I was there Mike Lambert of Powerlifting USA took the first picture of my hand and ran it in the January 1981 Issue the same issue that ran the results of the 80 worlds. My hand was slipping off the bar when it hit. A man who can get into slick clothes and not sacrifice his size or strength. I slept on the flight down and drifted in and out for the next eight hours, but I was able to watch most of the operation not only mine but both of the other two as well. It will be a **** shame if Mike is stripped of these records. Mike Bridges - Bridges was one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, competing in the 165 and 181 pound classes. Everyone knows that politics are stupid when it comes between a person and a hard earned accomplishment but if they let it stand then everyone will say "hey, what could have so-n-so done on a Texas Power bar instead of those whippy Ivankos?" We had a rivalry in the early 70s.Lou: Before we get into your powerlifting life, did you ever play other sports? Many powerlifters even on high level don't train more than 3-5 times a week. One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. Best Lifts: I opened with 540 very easy, then the 242 world record of 578. We landed in St. Louis five hours later. How is this the USAPL shooting themselves in the foot? I was never as happy as I was to see Mac walk in my room to take me home to Dayton, Ohio. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. it matters what the rules actuially are!!! But when you can squat 1000 anytime you fell like it, who cares about a poor deadlift. A prodigy of the great Larry Pacifico. I had plenty of ice packed around my hand. Also known ad Dr. Squat. Louie Simmons Nothing worked. The competitor in the 123-pound squat data was a dwarf and indeed hoisted 639 pounds. Those of you out there who knew Mac Richards know exactly what I mean when I say he was a great guy, great lifter, and a best friend to us all. My training as a 65er back in the day was pretty intense and with pretty good results. WTF!! 1983 Mens Senior Nationals Ivanko bars are awfulthey are outrageously whippy and the non-standard knarling makes setting up for the deadlift quite confusing. Just lift it! IF they used the same Texas Power Bars for that WOMEN's MEET, THE WORLD RECORDS THERE TOO ARE NOW NOT VALID. The call to drug-test powerlifters had been gaining momentum in the sport since the mid-1970s. I slid under it and the bar hit me just over my left eye, tearing off half my eyebrow. I wonder how it would feel to have a 700+ pound bar slide down your back. I invited several well-known lifters of that time: the great Mike Bridges, Terry Dillard, Dave Waddington, Steve Wilson, and Mark Chaillet. The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. George has spread his body weight from 242 pounds all the way to the high 300s. Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. It's NOT a 45lb bar. Wow! I never saw such a lifting machine. Benchpress: 272.1kg/599.88lb I doubt it, that's wishful thinking and USAPL is at fault. I invited several well-known lifters of that time: the great Mike Bridges, Terry Dillard, Dave Waddington, Steve Wilson, and Mark Chaillet. And at 51 I expect to take it even higher next week at the APF Georgia. Weighing in at only 204 lbs, Mike not only went home with gold medals, but he also broke world records in the Deadlift at 650 lbs. that'd just be the cherry on the top of this disaster! I'm sure if anything does happen like records being reversed, the people who are invloved will only use this as motivation to exceed their previous lifts. How about dougs billing squat 985lb. If they were lifetime PR's for you as well, then even greater congratulations are indeed in order! Sams donation to powerlifting is stupendous! if you're meant to be in this sport, you are already more durable over the years than most gym lifters. The top of the pin stuck out about a quarter inch with a tiny loop that bent around. He has broken over 100 combined Nationals and World Records in his storied career. Dr. Kunitz would go back and forth from one to the other to the other.
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