My father had Sun conjunct Saturn in Aries and as a young man he fit your description, but he overcame it over time and became one of the most self-confident people. Malefic planets may give an edge to your looks If Saturn, Mars or Rahu are situated in the ascendant sign, and gain an aspect from Jupiter, the physical stature and built of the native is in right proportions. (Mostly Gemini & Aquarius). I would think since Saturn is generational that it wouldn't beif so, what orb when looking at angles? The IV House is ruled by Cancer and the XII is ruled by Pisces, two of the most intuitive planets of the zodiac. Pluto in Scorpio individuals tend to be more inclined to be witches and most of them are probably disappointed in Pluto in Sagittarius individuals for not handling Witchcraft maturely. Example; Mercury in Aries degree will make the native much more straight to the point and could shock people with what they say. But sometimes I also think Im really unlucky in some cases, specially as Im growing older, idk why. In the alphabet of astrology, the first house corresponds to Aries, the second house to Taurus, and so on. People with Sagittarius placements usually have a prominent nose shape, a lot tend to have button noses. On a positive note.. they always come up with really innovative ideas like wow how did you think about that? Every astrological sign has a specific set of qualities, both positive and negative. It is rare to have every sign represented within one's chart. You may attract people who wanna dig up on your past and use what you have said against you. (12th house rules ending and the day is ending at the night). Virgo moons may have a had a strict diet since young. A water sign is an excellent place for Jupiter! Sagittarius moons naturally can be happy spirits, but a lot are prone to isolating themselves from the world to not burden anyone when upset. Dont stop a Mars in 11th person from doing anything they want, theyll just keep going and fighting for their dreams. Mars, venus,mercury, nept and uranus. Mother may be very quick and intelligent but also may have a family who was very quick to snap back at things. Example= Blog made online to rant. Try activities that will help your mind calm down because it is very hard to completely shut it off and try to make healthy standards for yourself and motivate yourself every day and dont be a perfectionist, youre an over-achiever and are very hard-working but make sure it you have a healthy way of achieving things. 5. pisces sun tend to have pale skin or freckles lol idk ive noticed that i know its not the rising but i have noticed that pattern. pt.1, blunt astro observations : *:*:*:. They may have a hard time controlling their laughter in and have a contagious smile. Pisces placements may start to believe they are those rumors themselves. cancer risings have the cutest round noses.. i keep simping for yall LMAO. This can also at the same time make them addicted & love the internet. People may try to rumor about them or make rash assumptions quite quick. Mars in 5th individuals tend to get a random burst of creativity out of nowhere. Ex; Scorpio in 9th could be secretive about their roots & who they truly are & some of their beliefs & maybe stuff like their age. Directions and Transit: Yoga provides exact results if the house and planet connected to its profession create a bonding during a native's livelihood. People may see them as angry where they are just standing up for themselves. You can rely on them for advice. In traditional astrology the m. Required fields are marked *. Wanna know the impression + slight vibe you give off? uranus square midheaven probably would get into a lot of scandals in their career if theyre not aware of what they say / do! Quintile is talents. They have a lot of hidden enemies who dont want them to succeed. a lot had rlly thin lips as well, with a REALLY pretty slim nose, aquarius risings are the ceo of having really nice thick eyebrows!! The way they have a forgiving heart, but that is just a part of them. Pluto - Ascendant individuals did/ do you guys ever feel like you were being watched? Nessus conj the NN must learn the lessons of abuse. Pisces placements because their sister sign is Virgo, also tend to overwork themselves, but in a much more negative way they feel as if they need to achieve something to feel whole. Pisces placements / 12th house placements are super intelligent but are so looked over. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. They opposite Libra, they would benefit from balance & routine, they are very sensitive when it comes to opinions of people and influences they value and can easily be influenced into things if they dont think too clearly. Everyone always talks about Sagittarius and Scorpio placements for being blunt (can be true), but Aquarius placements do not care if you dont agree or like them theyre the true care- frees. It fits well with their round head-shape. People with Aries in 2nd are respectfully, very bad with their money. Make sure people dont take advantage of you because of this. But within 10 of ascendant. These people may win on having the last say on things. Nessus in your article, but wouldnt this be also be quite significant? Scorpio in 2nd individuals may not like sharing and if they do share things then youre a very special individual. 42) Rahu in 12th house with Sun or Saturn gives success and trouble both in foreign land. If he isn't now, he will be. Because of this youll see people with an exalted & domicile mars & strong mars (Scorpio Mars, Capricorn Mars, Aries mars); more easily able to fuel up the energy for competitiveness therefore being able to win more & etc. Your friends probably share similar degrees that you have. Fire moons can easily fall into the wrong crowd. Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. They cant see their worth too easily but they praise love and positivity and cant let this part of them shown too easily, no one really knows them until they open up (Capricorn in 4th). People with Capricorn in 11th may make friends with older / more mature people online, A lot of Leo men Ive met have had young Leonardo Dicaprio hairstyle (slick with side bangs? Below are some predictions about these rare peculiar combinations and Yoga in Kundli/ Birth Chart:-, Also Read: Important Yogas/ Combinations In Horoscope. Lol. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Thanks for your comment! Virgo placements get scared when things are going good because they think itll just get bad again. Many people with this aspect are crazy and have bipolar and schizophrenia. One thing about Capricorn placements is that they stay minding their own business and being unbothered. What placements are rarest to have? I have had a lot of problems with depression and with acne. Im an Astrology newbie and trying to learn as much as possible! Probably also related to the above aspect, as well as Pisces Ascendant. You have a natural talent of creativity & dont let anything unoriginal bother you. Uranus in 1st/ Uranus touching ascendant were that one kid that broke the rules to make everyone laugh & themselves laugh. People with Gemini in 4th may have a family with a lot of talking & information spread like wildfire. People with Sun in 7th at least at one point may have thought of being a Lawyer because their ways of seeing every side. However, theyre very good at hiding some weirder parts of themselves at first. Thank you so much for sharing and being here, Zane! The 1st astrological house is the most personal one of the 12 houses. Scorpio dominants / placements may keep their social media very private. For more information, please see our Leo in the 3rd house will make the native get random fame for things they say, example; random tweets / memes popping up. I have noticed one thing about the 8th house and it can tell you what backfires on you. Gemini mercuries tend to talk really fast to let all their thoughts out and people could ask them to slow down at times. Could indicate an authority figure who tried to control how they presented themselves. I have a stellium in 12 housecancer, sun, mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, south node. Money, self-esteem, etc. It is said to provide one with Divine Providence in accidents and other such dangerous situations. A lot of you guys have a hard time processing emotions because it doesnt fit your standards of what they should be. Dignity: A planet is in its home sign. Sagittarius placements just wants someone that gets them if that makes sense. They may also have siblings who are considered very attractive. Lilith exact on my MC (both mean and true) at 0 degrees makes it very strong for me as well. My chart ruler is found in the 8th house. Im intrigued. Even if theyre tall theyre seen as small somehow. You deep down just want a best friend for eternity and you constantly wonder why does it have to be so hard to get someone that just gets you, even though youre very open-minded you need someone who matches your vibe and understandings and it is very hard to find that easily, you just want a best friend and you value trust more than youre given credit for, this is why you may have the tendency to emotionally detach from situations because you dont wanna be vulnerable yet deep down you yearn for what could happen if you were to open up a bit. The main three placements within a birth chart are your Sun sign, Moon sign and rising sign, also known as your ascending sign. They love protection but project jealousy on them and theyll run away. (Trine, sextile, conjuction, benefit most from this). Leo placements may swear people are obsessive over them, yet they be flirting / loving anyone right away, theyre truly affectionate people and I love them for that but c'mon dont be surprised when people literally love you so much. I used to do dwads but have not for a while and kind of forgot about them lol. You know how to say the right things at the right time and your imagination and knowledge is never-ending, but lets work on that fact that you guys over-think everything, start building your confidence because that amount of intellect you guys hold is super admirable. Mars in 3rd tells me you dont gaf and you send those bold texts anyway. Answer (1 of 9): One of the rarest, that doesn't appear often in a natal chart, is a planet "cazimi" the Sun. but a lot of people with this placements suffer from a lot of intrusive thoughts. So many pisces placements get into online / long distance relationships. It was all over my back from the time I was 14 and all over my face from 18 on. Seriously, Capricorn rising men be having all the women over them and the women are just straight up models but know their worth so just wouldnt settle for someone;). Privacy Policy. Capricorn placements make really attractive models of research because of their body structure. That is, the planet is within 00.15 of the Sun's position. How has it manifested in your life? This aspect is Moon conjunct Dejanira light. If you wrong a Saturn in 10th placement your reputation will most likely be heavily affected. Y o u c a n a l s o r e a d t h e s i g n o f y o u r A s c e n d a n t & M i d h e a v e n s i n ce t h e s e p o i n ts c a n a f f e c t yo u r a p p e a r a n ce t o o.. A r i e s & M a r s. Your hair, face shape and daring eyes are what makes you look so fierce so make these features stand out with cute headbands, eyeshadow or just a sleek ponytail. I have Moon, Saturn and Venus in the 12th Taurus, Your email address will not be published. They should learn how to save more or be wiser about money. Leo risings / placements (developed) know when to cut off negative energy / people in their life!! Just a few thoughts: I dont have Chiron conjunct the Ascendant, but I was severely bullied when I was younger, actually afraid for my life at one point. Jupiter in 1st house or 9th house with Sun in 6th house and Saturn in 11th house will also give same result. A lot of you have to learn how to be more direct like an Aries mars. 2, Mercury combust the Sun( 1-5 degree orb). Jupiter shows the Husband. They also value their privacy and love people who are private themselves. Pluto in 10th individuals especially Women are most likely to be used by men. Saturn is conjunct my ascendant in Sagittarius, squaring my sun and moon in Pisces in the third house. Libra sun Leo Venuses tend to have high standards but also tend to fall in love with anyone who gives them attention / some love. If not, I would not. Leo placements could play a role for them. You always have better things to do. You didnt mention Moon Conj. Cancer placements tend to have an intuition that they could sense when something is up with their loved ones like literally they can feel all their emotions. why have so many libras been in so many relationships either that or they are so picky who theyre with. tbh not everyone deserves ur amazing energy, gemini placements ALWAYS have a comeback to things at this point dont bother to win them in an arguement, why do water placements purposely put on sad music i noticed a lot of water placements are sometimes addicted to being sad , enough said these babies fr absorb everyone energies :/ its important theyre with the right crowd, cancer rising women & libra rising women have the most beautiful plump lips , leo risings & placements love jewerly?? Aline Ra M. in. They tend to have a road to self love. They have power. Ive seen it a lot, these people are incredibly generous. Your Moon tells you what you need in a relationship emotionally obviously and it tells you what would be a deal breaker. (One day they are feeling good, next day they escape from the world). (Not a serious crush). Only true spiritual measures will work, in my opinion.. I don't have anything that interesting. Has misplaced loyalty, generosity and selfishness are unbalanced, and doesn't always follow their heart. 49) Jupiter with Mars, Moon, or Sun in 3rd house gives International Fame in life. People with Sun in 2nd may have some drive or attraction towards making a lot of money this lifetime. Astrology helped people decide when to plant crops and go. You are very hard-working when it comes to things that makes you emotionally full-filled. Im Cuban , Aww Yo estudio Espanol. Gemini placements tend to read things pretty fast. A lot of Air dominants have a lot of regrets from what Ive noticed a lot wish they could go back in time (Observation) . 9) Saturn and Rahu in11th house can make one a successful powerful politician. 18 degrees make someone extremely sharp-witted and intelligent. Sagittarius placements couldve been trouble makers or less serious when young. If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. 28) Rahu in 3rd house can make one celebrity in life provided Venus and Sun is strong in Horoscope. The short answer is that a stellium is a grouping of three or more planets under one particular zodiac sign within your natal chart. like theyre like one day okay lets do this.. mission accomplished onto the next thing its like their ego boosts from accomplishments, a lot of scorpio venuses dont get into relationships cuz they know ppl aint shit and their love out this world tbh, pisces venuses all they need is a chill smoke buddy just someone that will love them and chill with them, they rlly dont have high standards, virgo venus culture is going on like 300 dates and still not liking a person, every virgo moon ive met was so nurturing? Taurus stelliums may comfort a lot of people just by being present. Uranus in 8th / 5th individuals may have quick random hookups. (Check other placements). The degree of yours Mars shows who you may either hate / attracted to to an immense level & also who you may argue with a lot. Venus - Ascendant aspects are trendsetters especially in a Fashion sense, theyre very good at putting stuff together and attract a lot of people who do what they do because it simply looks so well. Cancer placements are most effected by their periods and they tend to be more intuitive during those times too. It is the only way Im ever going to feel good about myself. Weakness: Insensitivity. They have ways of detaching themselves emotionally and preferring to live somewhere else (their head) and just be in their thoughts all the time. Lilith in 2nd house shows the native may be a sex worker or do sexual things for money. DogGang--would Saturn conjunct ASC be unique? Having your mercury in Virgo is good but if you combined it with a scorp/aries mars it could be really scary when they're mad. They need friends who will motivate them and not bring them down. 43) Sun in 1st house with Mercury or Jupiter gives success and marriage after 25 years of age. they should draw their imagination, its really beautiful, cancer moons probably have felt their families emotions when younger or probably still do! Scorpio placements / 8th house placements you guys are known for being honest to a fault and very intuitive & emotionally intelligent to the point its get scary because you have the ability to see through everyones flaws with your natural psychic gifts (yes you have them, dont lie to yourself) . 36) Saturn in 12th house with Rahu also gives great success and great failure in life. Venus square Ascendant youre literally beautiful stop trying to change yourself.. you fit in. And specifically in this seco. Almost all cases of this has been severe bullying. Hence, why a lot may be insecure. Also, start getting more sleep / a healthy routine and start doing things for you and not for others. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. It weakens the boundaries of the self. intuitive & astrologer readings are closed HIATUSSS! Posts: 3194From: MBTI - INTJ -- Enneagram - 5w6Registered: Jun 2015. You often feel like an old soul because of your wisdom, start believing in your knowledge and your power and dont ever underestimate yourself because you have the tendency to. How about horrible negative moon and 4th house placements? Hi beautiful souls! Virgo placements can be very protective over their loved ones, especially the Mars. Aries placements could benefit a lot from taking care of their third eye chakra (They rule the head & just a theory. This is very painful and addictions often result. (Love yall though). 41) Rahu in 6th house alone makes native gains from litigation and court cases in life. Fire moons love running especially Aries. However, you tend to let things pile up until you have had enough and become very stubborn into what you think is right. they also take a loving on astrology, earth signs like having random stuff as their profile picture (ex some dog or an anime picture), i genuinely dont think gemini venus is the type to cheat they just get bored and will tell you and find someone else they love maybe rather quickly let them be hoes not cheaters, libra venus are so balanced when it comes to boundaries like damn u really out here providing a HEALTHY relationship. venus in 7th how does it feel to be perfect? Start working out, going out etc. Do you have many accidents but escape unharmed? The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. I dont even know how to explain like yall look wealthy. Venusians are naturally attracted to pink / red. 40) Sun in 6th house and Saturn in 11th house and if Jupiter is in or accepting any one of the two planets then native never losses political election in their life. It can access its highest powers. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform.
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